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---Alex's POV---
Justine and I were cuddling with the twins in bed. I couldn't help but keep looking at Manny. I don't know how he figured out to go back in time to warn dad and not us. Justine looked over at me.

"Is everything okay babe?" Justine asked.

"No," I stated. "Now that I know Manny can time travel, I'm afraid to let him have anything to do with S.I.S.A."

"We can't mess up the space-time continuum." Justine stated.

"But--" I went to argue.

"Alex," Justine stated. "We can't mess with time. Okay?" I sighed.

"Okay," I stated. "I won't." Justine kissed my forehead. Manny reached for my hair and yanked it. I yelped. Justine pulled my hair away from Manny.

"I know you like pulling hair," Justine stated. "But I like daddy with his hair, okay?" I chuckled. Ginni and Manny yawned.

"Come on," I stated. "Time for bed. I'll be back."

"Okay." Justine stated. I took the twins and took them to bed. I laid them both down in their cribs. I began to sing the lullaby I always sing to them.

"Sana'y di nagmaliw ang dati kong araw," I sang. "Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay. Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal. Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan...." The twins fell asleep. I turned to see Justine waiting by the doorway.

"That song." Justine stated. "I feel like I've heard it in my dreams a thousand times."

"That's because I've sung it to you everytime you have a nightmare." I stated. Justine raised her eyebrows and turned red. I walked over to Justine and kissed her forehead.

"I am so sorry for waking you up." Justine whispered.

"Don't be." I whispered. "I love you." Justine smiled and kissed me.

"I love you too Alex." Justine whispered. Justine and I went to the bedroom. We cuddled up and kissed. Justine kissed my jawline and smiled.

"I still can't believe you're mine." I stated. Justine chuckled.

"I mean," Justine stated. "We've been together for four years now. When will you believe that we're together?"

"I don't know." I replied. Justine and I deeply kissed. I began kissing Justine's neck. Justine moaned.

"Trying to get me pregnant again?" Justine asked.

"Yes." I replied. Justine shrugged and kissed my chest.

"I'm not going through that again until after we catch the traitor." Justine stated.

"Since we know it's a girl," I asked. "What name are you thinking?" Justine thought for a moment.

"Not gonna lie," Justine replied. "I always loved the name Riley." I raised my eyebrow.

"Riley?" I asked.

"Yeah," Justine replied. "Riley. We know she identifies as a girl. However, what if she was born a boy?" I nodded.

"You have a point." I stated. I kissed Justine. Justine kissed me back.

"Good night." Justine stated. Justine turned off her light and fell asleep. I just laid there until I drifted off to sleep.

"Sorry for attacking by the way," I stated. "It's just that the traitor was wearing almost that exact same outfit."

"That's because French S.I.S.A agents wear a very fashionable uniform." Agent Beauté Noire stated. "One of our uniforms was stolen four months ago......"

I woke up with a realization. I began connecting the dots.

"Wait a second." I whispered. "Agent Beauté Noire is the traitor....." I got out of bed and began collecting evidence.

---Justine's POV---
I knocked on Alex's office door. Alex opened up his door.

"Hey babe," Alex stated. "I know the twins have been quiet, but that's because I did feedings already--"

"What are you up to?" I questioned. I know Alex is working on something. He usually sleeps through the night and wakes up depending on the twins. However, he woke up and left the bed in the middle of the night and never returned.

"I think I know who the traitor is." Alex stated. "However, I'm just gathering the evidence before I make a rational decision."

"Good plan." I stated. "I'll let you get back at it." Alex kissed me and closed the door.

A couple of days later, at HQ, I was working on something when there was a knock at the door. I looked up to see Agent Sensei standing there.

"Isaiah?" I asked. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Ireland with Wade?"

"That's not for another two days." Isaiah stated. "Besides, I was wondering why Alex took the major players of the arrest team to Paris." I raised my eyebrow at Sensei.

"Sorry," I questioned. "He did what?"

"He took a handful of FaZe Clan to arrest some lower level agent." Isaiah stated. "FaZe Frosty told me everything. Did you not know?" I slammed my head on my desk.

"My husband told me nothing." I mumbled.

"They're heading to Paris right now." Isaiah stated. I got up from my chair.

"Thanks Sensei." I stated. I ran out of my office and headed off to Paris.

Once I was in Paris HQ, I began looking for my husband. I saw the FaZe Clan and Alex talking to Agent Beauté Noire.

"Agent Beauté Noire," Alex stated. "I have all the evidence to suggest you ate the traitor. You can either come quietly or my friends here will take you down."

"Listen Agent Rogue," Agent Beauté Noire stated. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"You wear platform shoes." Alex stated. "And your uniforms are to only be worn by either the French or Italian agents for some strange reason, probably because you're fashionable. Both Nightmare and Lixo Branco were in Dallas, Texas on the night of the betrayal--"

"What proof do you have that I did it?" Agent Beauté Noire asked. "Does your wife know you're pointing fingers?"

"I have a truck load of proof." Alex snarled. Agent Beauté Noire gave a small, yet evil smirk. Whatever she was planning, she knew Alex had proof, but had something up her sleeve.

"Listen," Agent Beauté Noire stated. "Either you leave me be and you don't tell your wife or I will tell her we're having an affair."

"But we're not." Alex stated. Did Beauté Noire really think I'd fall for that?

"No," Beauté Noire stated. "But your wife doesn't know that."

"What proof do you have?" Alex asked. Beauté Noire pulled up some fake texts from Alex and her.

"Right here." Beauté Noire stated.

"Justine would never fall for that." Alex stated.

"Oh trust me." Beauté Noire stated. "With those babies and the new director job, she would be exhausted. She wouldn't be able to tell the difference." I decided it was my time to make my entrance.

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