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---Alex's POV---
Justine and I left the kids with Jenna while we made our way to Vortex Towers. As I drove the car, Justine was looking out the window, quiet as hell. I put the car on auto pilot and looked over at my wife. I was worried about her.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Justine looked over at me.

"Yeah," Justine stated. "I'm fine. It's just that I don't like being away from the twins."

"How do you think I felt during the pregnancy?" I asked. Justine raised her eyebrow at me.

"You got anxiety being away from me?" Justine asked.

"Yes," I replied. "You and the twins were my biggest priority. Why do you think I took time off for the last two months of your pregnancy?" Justine nodded.

"I thought it was standard practice." Justine stated. I took Justine's hand and kissed it. 

"One month is standard practice," I replied. "I took two so I could be with you." Justine smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You're so sweet." Justine stated. I smiled as we kept driving.

When we arrived at Vortex Towers in Paris, Justine and I examined the area where everything went down. I suddenly started seeing the traitor who attacked me. I lunged at him to tackle him down.

"I got him!" I shouted. "I got him!"

"Alex!" Justine shouted. "She's with us! She's with us!"

"I'm not the traitor!" The poor kid shouted. Justine yanked me off the agent.

"Sorry about Agent Red," Justine stated. "Are you okay Agent Beauté Noire?"

"Yeah," The kid I attacked replied. "I did not expect such a brutal attack."

"He's not usually like this." Justine stated.

"Well Agente Bleue," Agent Beauté Noire stated. "I suggest you keep Agent Rouge under control." I noticed Agent Beauté Noire had a French accent.

"Agent Beauté Noire," Justine stated. "This is my husband, Agent--"

"Husband?" Agent Beauté Noire questioned.  "You married an agent?"

"We were dating before he became an agent." Justine stated. "I married him two years ago next Monday."

"We just welcomed twins!" I beamed. Agent Beauté Noire rolled her eyes at us.

"Unprofessional." Agent Beauté Noire stated.

"We keep our love life separate from our S.I.S.A life." I mumbled.

"You do realize I have the power to fire you," Justine asked. "Right?" Agent Beauté Noire kept her mouth shut about our marriage after that.

"Sorry for attacking by the way," I stated. "It's just that the traitor was wearing almost that exact same outfit."

"That's because French S.I.S.A agents wear a very fashionable uniform." Agent Beauté Noire stated. "One of our uniforms was stolen four months ago. I was told the uniform in question was left up here and that I was to team up with you two."

"We have a traitor." Justine stated. "Since Agent Red saw him, I assigned him and myself to this mission as it can't wait until I'm done maternity leave."

"That explains why you have an imbécile with you." Agent Beauté Noire stated.

"Don't talk about Alex like that!" Justine shouted.

"Okay," I stated. "Let's just look for clues. Gloves on." Everyone applied gloves and we began to look around.

---Justine's POV---
Alex, Agent Beauté Noire, and I began looking for clues around the top of Vortex Towers. Suddenly, Beauté Noire shouted something in French.

iHave Your Back (The Sequel To iFell For A Spy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt