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---Justine's POV---
I came home to see Alex cuddling with the twins on the couch watching our first video together. I smiled as Alex watched it.

"She's can be harsh," Alex stated to the twins. "But your mama does it out of love. I know I think with my heart a lot, but that's just who I am."

"It's not a bad thing you know." I stated. Alex turned his head around to look at me.

"Hey love," Alex stated. "I didn't hear you come in."

"I figured." I stated, pointing to the TV.

"I'm sorry about earlier Justine," Alex stated. "I was thinking with--"

"I think you may be right." I stated. Alex looked at me very confused.

"Really?" Alex asked. I picked Ginni and cradled her.

"The Sidemen have fought me over arresting JJ." I stated. "They genuinely believe he's innocent. I'm sure if it was my ID found up there and I had all my friends in S.I.S.A, they'd all fight for my innocence as well."

"I know." Alex stated. "I would fight that too. You only really go to a friend's or the grocery store. I know you love S.I.S.A." I kissed my husband's cheek.

"Believe it or not," I stated. "Not as much as I love you and the kids." Alex smiled and looked at Emmanuel.

"I can't blame you." Alex stated. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" I sat down and cuddled up to Alex.

"They have your heart." I stated. "They're beautiful inside and out." Alex smiled and kissed me. Suddenly, Alex's S.I.S.A phone went off. Alex gently placed Manny down and answered his phone.

"Hello," Alex stated. "This is Agent Red..... You found him? Where?...... Of course he's found in there, he thinks he rules the place..... I'll investigate tomorrow, I'm with my family...... Check the DNA data base, we're a match..... Bye." Alex hung up and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They found Lord Nottingham," Alex stated. "You'll never believe where."

"That sounds like a click bait title." I stated. Alex did the pretend shocked face. I laughed.

"Sherwood Forest." Alex replied.

"He does think he's Robin Hood's heir." I stated.

"But he's a villain." Alex stated.

"True." I stated. "What was that comment about your dad?" Alex sighed.

"Someone said that I'm not dad's son." Alex replied. "Dad placed his missions before his family. That's only because that was at a time where S.I.S.A agents barely made anything. He had to give up most of his pay check so the S.I.S.A agents who are working paycheck to paycheck wouldn't over work themselves."

"The decline of 1989." I stated. "From what Agent A told me, it happened when the USSR fell and they took down the Berlin Wall. The world governments cut off funding for S.I.S.A and the agency had to make financial decisions. Most people had to work outside S.I.S.A in order to make ends meet."

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"We regained funding after 9-11." I replied. "They needed agents on the inside to help the military out. I was actually in disguise as a guy to help get information back in 2011."

"So you helped capture and kill--" Alex questioned.

"Yeah." I replied. "But back to your dad.... If it weren't for him, S.I.S.A would of gone down a decade ago and you wouldn't of been able to take time with the twins." Alex pouted.

"I don't want to think about it." Alex stated. I placed Ginni in her rocker. I looked at the twins and smiled.

"Let's get them to bed." I stated.

"Alright." Alex stated. We placed the twins into bed and went to bed. We both fell asleep.

---Alex's POV---
I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Justine crying and screaming in her sleep. I can tell she was having nightmares again. Ever since she killed Dr. Vortex, she recalls things in her dreams, but never when she's awake. She doesn't remember anything other than holding the gun over Dr. Vortex's body. I knew exactly how to calm her down. I rolled over, hugged Justine, and began to sing in Filipino.

"Sana'y di nagmaliw ang dati kong araw," I sang. "Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay. Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal. Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan...." Justine settled down and cuddled up to me. I kissed Justine's forehead and went to fall asleep. Suddenly, Emmanuel began to cry. Feeding wasn't for another two hours and I changed his diaper an hour ago. I got up and went in to check on him. His diaper was empty and he wasn't hungry.

"Did you have a nightmare too?" I asked my son. I began to sway him gently.

"Sana'y di nagmaliw ang dati kong araw," I sang. "Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay. Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal. Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan. Sana'y di nagmaliw ang dati kong araw nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay. Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal. Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan. Sa aking pagtulog na labis ang himbing. Ang bantay ko'y tala, ang tanod ko'y bituin. Sa piling ni nanay, langit ay buhay. Puso kong may dusa sabik sa ugoy ng duyan. Sana'y di nagmaliw ang dati kong araw. Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay. Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal. Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan. Sa aking pagtulog na labis ang himbing. Ang bantay ko'y tala, ang tanod ko'y bituin. Sa piling ni nanay, langit ay buhay. Puso kong may dusa sabik sa ugoy ng duyan. Nais kong matulog sa dating duyan ko, inay. Oh! inay." Emmanuel calmed down and fell back asleep. I laid him back in his crib and went into my office. I began working on my video that is introducing the twins. Justine and I agreed that we just post an introduction video to the twins, but we are not exposing everything online. I've seen how family vlogging channels affect the children. I don't want the same to happen to the twins, especially with us in S.I.S.A.

Throughout the night, I edited until I heard the twins cry for a feeding. After I fed them both, wanting Justine to sleep, I went back to editing my video. By the time I finished the video, I saw the sun shining through. I got up and went into the kitchen to see Justine making toast as the twins laid in their rockers. I walked over to Justine and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed the top of her head and then rested my chin on top of her head.

"Good morning love." I stated.

"Good morning moya lyubov." Justine mumbled. I can tell she was ashamed to tell me that she had the nightmare again.

"I'm right here." I whispered. "It's okay." Justine knew I knew she had the nightmare. Justine turned around and hugged me.

"I'm sorry." Justine stated. "I hate that this is waking you up at night."

"Don't be." I stated. "You're my wife. I'm gonna stand by you no matter what." Justine kissed me.

"I love you." Justine stated. "And go rest, I can tell you were up with the twins again."

"I have to go to England and go after Lord Nottingham." I stated.

"I am asking as your wife." Justine stated. "If the agent who gave you the mission gives you a hard time, I will deal with her. Our agents' health comes first." I kissed Justine's forehead.

"Alright," I stated. "I'll see you in a couple hours."

"Good night love." Justine stated. I went to our bedroom and went to sleep.

iHave Your Back (The Sequel To iFell For A Spy)Where stories live. Discover now