talking stage

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you never really liked or understood the meaning of a talking stage between two people. especially when they haven't met each other. but you thought that's what you guys would be in, a talking stage.

you wish you were more, though. did he even like you?

well, at least you were friends now. instead of waking the opposite way from each other, you walk the same way. and you talk to each other in the halls!

he sometimes walks you to your classes.

"you don't have to! i don't want you to be late to your next class." you tell him. not that you didn't like him waking you to class, but you were worried he was going to get into trouble.

"no it's okay. my class is like right there." sakusa replied.

he was actually lying, his class was almost on the other side of the school. but anything for her. anything for y/n.

(lol i'm posting again!)

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