Entry No.3

189 4 0

No one's POV

Vampiric Activities are running rampant around United Kingdom especially in England and the Royal Family we're dependant on United Heroes Association (UHA) to take action in the matter..

Ozpin: "I still don't understand vampires doesn't pose that much threat to the world why does the royal family wants us to deal with the issue"

Rias: "Professor, these pictures of victims are bizzare compared to a vampire we usually encounters"

Ozpin: "Their body had been sucked dry, most victims are women"

Rias: "You wanted us to deal with the matter?"

As Ironwood entered the room...

Ozpin: "James"

Ironwood: "I preferred you address me as General"

Ozpin: "Why are you here?"

Ironwood: "To solve our vampire crisis"

Ozpin: "Have something to elaborate"

As Ironwood pressed a button and a presentation appeared...

Ironwood: "This is a Artificial UV Flashlight, capable of producing the same amount of solar energy as our sun does" "This might help our current crisis"

Ozpin: "Rias, since you have a vampire in your peerage this mission will be yours to handle"

Rias: "Aren't you gonna bring some quirk heroes too? How about some hunters?"

Ozpin: "This is a imvestigation not a total war"

As someone arrived at the room..

???: "Tanjiro Kamado! Reporting from Demon Slayer Corp!"

Ozpin: "As I intended"

Ironwood: "What did you do?"

Ozpin: "I hired an individual that can carry this task from the Demon Slayer Corp as their Nichirin Sword is made from a special type of metal that can absorb sunlight"

"Not from underestimating your technology James, we've been friends for a very long time but if we're going to prepare if there's a threat or two, we must prepare for the worst always"

As everybody leaves except Rias and Ozpin...

Ozpin: "Do you have any business to attend to, Miss Gremory?"

Rias: "These bodies who's picture had been taken by operatives"

Ozpin: "Is there something bothering you?"

Rias: "[F/N] [L/N]"

"During his incident he killed the guards leaving them just like those victims in the photo"

Ozpin: "Are you suggesting that maybe [F/N] [L/N] have something to do with the current crisis?'

Rias: "It's been months since that incident maybe he's the one scheming on something"

Ozpin: "We can't be sure unless we found his body"

In England, on a town presumably...

The whole community have been turned to mindless vampiric beings as someone on a castle was looking at the scenery..

???: "So Union become aware of my being"

As two figure bow down to him..

???: "What should we do, My lord?"

???: "Tarkus, Bruford"

Bruford: "Yes, my lord"

???: "Greet them and say that I [F/N] had sended my regards"

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