Chapter Eight

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{{I already apologize for the angst that is about to happen}}

Paralyzing Fear.

That is all Aonung felt as he stood by Neteyam's side.
His body limp, body oozing between his brothers fingers, his breathing rigid.

Jake and Neytiri hugged Kiri and the new comer, Spider, to their sides. Tsireya cowering into her father's chest, tears streaming down her face.

Ronal quickly grabbed herbs and medicine left over by the sky-people, anything that could help.

Aonung stepped back, allowing his mother space as she pressed a cool cloth to his wound.
His ears twitching as Neteyam let out a painful groan, the only sound he had made other than breath leaving him.

Lo'ak moved from his place, allowing Tonowari to bring him next to him.

"Let me see him!"

Aonung closed his eyes sadly as he heard a familiar cry, turning his head as Tuk ran into the room.
Instantly stopping once she got to Neteyam's side.
Tears leaving her quicker than anyone could comprehend.

"Lo'ak, grab me that glass!" Ronal shouted, pointing with her head to the clear glass that sat at Neteyam's feet.

Lo'ak quickly complied, handing it to her before stepping back. Staring at his dying brother.

They all watched in suspense as Ronal rubbed the thick green paste across the wound. Her hands quickly returning pressure to stop the flow of blood.

Time stopped as everyone saw Neteyam's chest fall, never rising.

Kiri cried into Spider's arms, Jake holding back Netiryi. Hoping this would only last for a moment. A painfully numb look on his face.

Lo'ak looked to his hands, finally seeing his brother blood that stained them. Silently blaming himself.

Next to him, Tonowari comforted Tsireya as she cried into his chest. Staining her face with wet lines.

Ronal let out a sigh, her hands falling to her sides as she stared at the warriors lifeless body.

Aonung felt his heart stop. His breathing coming quick and uneven. Tears threatening to wet his face.

Tuk wailed, instantly grabbing her brothers hand as she climbed next to him. Not giving the blood that soaked her a care.
"TeyTey! Please!"

Ronal covered her face, tears brimming as she witnessed Tuk beg Eywa for her brothers life.

Tuk turned to Aonung, a desperate look on her face.
"Aonung! Do something, please!"

Aonung walked towards her, placing a hand on Neteyam arm, seeing how his own hands visibly shook.
"Tuk, there's nothing I can do."

Tuk shook her head, refusing the truth that everyone accepted. She sat next to him, bringing his hand to her face.
"TeyTey wake up! Please, you have to wake up! I need you! Big brother, please!"

Tuk hit his chest, crying as more pleas rang from her throat.

Everything happened so fast.

Ronal jumped into action as Neteyam took in a sharp breath, blood oozing from his mouth.
But breathing.

He was alive.

Aonung sighed, falling back on his knees as Tuk cried into his chest. Relief flooding through everyone in the room.

The war took their peace, but not him. That's all anyone cared about.


Aonung sat by the shore as Lo'ak hugged Tsireya to his side. A distant look in his eyes.

His Angel Eyes {A Neteyam and Aonung Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now