08 | Chalice of Hydra

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November 17, 2012
11:41 p.m.

Dear Janet,

Amara's parents had finally arrived when I slipped into the hall around 9. I watched them come in from the entrance. I knew it was the perfect opportunity to strike and I went for it.

I asked them for help. I asked them to look into your case. I told them your death wasn't a suicide; it was a murder! I told them everything!

My words were jumbled up as I spoke and I'm not sure if they truly understood what I was trying to say, which was why I decided to show them the proof. I retrieved Thomas' phone and scrolled through his gallery...just when Mr. Price intervened. He practically shoo-ed me away and said he needed to catch up with them since they were his friends. He ruined everything!

I tried to retaliate. I emphasized how urgent of a situation this was, but he turned a blind eye to me...


As if that wasn't the worst part, Thomas caught me red-handed with his phone. He punched me, kicked me, and shoved my head into a wall. I might have a concussion, I don't know. My body hurts, but what hurts me more is failure...

I don't know if Amara's parents believed me. I won't be surprised if they didn't. I'm losing hope...

I'm sorry, Janet.

Your brother, Jeremy


"OH, MY GOD..." Ray gasps behind me as we watch Janet's sex tape playing on his laptop. Horrified gazes surround the even horrifying video which lasts for three minutes and twenty-two seconds. As soon as it's over, Savannah shuts the laptop and the four of us take a moment to process everything we've just witnessed.

"Janet..." I mutter to myself but in the silence of the room, the name is heard by all three of them.

"Janet?" Savannah asks. "Who's Janet?"

I gulp, realizing I have no other option but to come clean now. "The girl in the video," I say, "that's Janet."

Aiden throws me a look of confusion. "Wait, you know this girl?"

I bite the inside of my cheek and nod. "She was a student at Sacredmore and Ethan's girlfriend."

Ray springs up to his feet. "If that video is any indication, I think the murderer wants you to interrogate her next!"

"That's not possible," I answer, and once again, all eyes are on me.

"Why?" Aiden asks in a cold and sharp voice.

I exhale. "Janet Holloway killed herself ten years ago."

A deafening silence descends upon us again, somehow even quieter this time around.

"But that's not the only thing," I say and over the next couple of minutes, I tell them everything about the tarot cards I've been receiving.

When I'm done, Savannah sighs, Ray's jaw hangs open and Aiden paces around, exhaling a long deep breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you—"

"Lives are at stake here, Miss Willow," Savannah cuts in, raising her voice.

"Alright, it's fine," Aiden says, joining us again. "What matters now is, why did the murderer send Thomas this video?"

"As a warning, what else!" Ray exclaims.

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