Chp. 5

70 12 38

"I just want a moment, let's catch our breathes. Haven't we run far enough? Clouds seem to keep following us and the Moon keeps telling us to, be tough!"
~Era Lloyd

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Unknown's Pov_

I woke up with a sore headache and blindly reached towards the nightstand looking for my phone. Which, I couldn't feel.

 Opening my eyes gingerly, I glanced at the wall clock before sitting up. 09:43am the clock showed. I groaned flopping back onto the bed. Suddenly, the bedroom door slammed open. I screwed my eyes close, a timer setting off in my head, automatically. 

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, ei-

"PARK JIMIN!" a voice screamed, and the duvet flew off me. "Park Jimin, get the fuck up right now! Get up!!" the same voice shouted. I groaned once again trying to pull the duvet back up. But just my luck, I got hold of a soft, warm hand pulled without having any time to thing.

"What the fu-!" I opened my eyes and saw a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at me, almost flaring. 

Oh shit....

She got up sitting on her knees and pulled at the duvet, successfully throwing it off the bed this time. 

"You seriously silly idiot, Do you even have a clue what the hell is happening?! Ms. Davis and the WHOLE damn cast waited for you for an hour!! The manager was absolutely furious! He called you! I called you! You are lucky Ms. Davis is patient! I lied and told them that you were sick, and your phone got stolen! I felt pathetic! Get up right now, we're going to meet the cast in two days at the set! And right now, we're leaving for the airport!"

"Wait- s-so you're telling me that they still want me to do it?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Yes! Now GET MOVING!" she said and went to my closet throwing clothes on the floor. She pulled out a zebra stripped loose shirt, pairing it with black rip jeans. "Here, get showered and changed, I'll arrange for the tickets." she said. I moved quickly to hug her with a smile on my face.

"Oh Era, what would I ever, ever do without you?" I asked her, tightening the hug. Era turned around with a frown. 

"You won't be alive without me. What's your point?"
"Well, I'll buy you dinner and take you shopping when we get there. Grateful enough, huh?"
"Free food? Hell yeah!" She said, her eyes shining excitedly.

My best friend, then turned around and gave me another order before leaving the room, "Take a bath, please. You stink."

"Right." I replied entering the bathroom quickly.

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Ivy's pov_

"What do you mean? How could you mess it that bad? Listen Rain. It needs to be on the same damn day, get it? I don't care what you do or how you do it. I want the meeting to be finished tomorrow AND I gotta be on the plane the same day."

I took a few deep breathes to calm myself down as my PA continued making more excuses.

"I don't care. You messed it, you clear it. I won't say it again, it needs to be on the same day." I said interrupting him and ending the call. I brought one hand up, massaging my temples.

"He messed up again?" a voice asked lowering two stimming cups of coffee down.
"Yeah, he did. Don't know what Ace saw in him to appoint him as my PA without even looking at his profile. Like- he clearly lacks any kind of experience!" I ranted to Sid. He chuckled and patted my head making me pout. "Stop, don't do that."

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