Chp. 11

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"I wanted to carry you forever in my heart but
maybe my heart was too small for you,
 cause then you came out in the form of tears."
~Rael Davies

= = = = = = =

Author pov_

Ivy woke up in a room that she had no memories about. Looking around, the girl noticed no one was there. It was dark out of the window signifying night. She got up from the bed and walked towards the window, noticing then the small body that laid curled up on the couch. 


He knew Ivy felt lonely in hospitals. She leaned down, caressing hir hair with a soft smile on her face. After a few minutes, she heard commotion outside and straightened her posture the voice clicking in her head, Ace. Why was he here? He wasn't supposed to come here until the next week. 

She turned back, facing the door just as the said man and a doctor walked in. Ace smiled warmly at her and went closer to her tugging her in, in a hug. She smiled as they swayed from side to side and a word came to her mind, comfort. The doctor silently placed the file on a table before leaving. They broke out of the hug, reminder of the smiles still of their faces.

She let her smile widen more tilting her head to look up at him. They didn't have a large height difference, but he sure made her feel like they did. Like how he just now, raised his head a bit to look down at her. Ivy stuck out her tongue before approaching the bed. She removed the quilt and nodded towards Moon. Ace, taking that as a signal, picked Moon and quickly laid him on the bed. Ivy covered him with the quilt and then they left the room quickly without making any noise.

Once out, they walked in an empty elevator. She smiled up at him, he reciprocated it, tilting his head again. They got out when they reached the top floor, the rooftop. She asked him about his trip, he replied it was comfortable. 

"So... Who was it?" she looked straight ahead, knowing he knew what she was talking about.

"I don't know for sure, but a name came forward," he pulled out a card from his jeans pocket. "Kim Miah." He finished handing her the card without looking over.

"Does the name ring a bell?" he asked looking at her now. Wind blow through their hairs and they kept a steady eye contact as she recked her brains for the name. Then, she shook her head slowly.

"Haven't heard it... It is one of your Ex's maybe?" He rolled his eyes at that.

"For fuck's sake Ivy, you got drugged at a public event. Can you be a bit more serious?" 

"I don't know boy.... I don't think I get drugged every day. I feel perfectly fit to be dramatic to be honest.. Hey! You think I could have gotten away from something scandalous??" Ivy asked, her eyes shinning brightly as the lights from below flashed in them.

"Ugh... Who's your movie partner?" 

"You're gonna freak out."

"More than when I saw your face? Not possible, dear," he pinched her cheeks, and she slapped his hand away, glaring at him.

"Forget it. I'm not telling you anymore, I hate you." she looked away with a huff. Ace just patted her head before replying casually.

"Oh please, you know you love me," he winked.

"You wish," she smiled sweetly.

"Don't flatter yourself," then, he tilted his head, wondering why he was feeling that something was wrong. "Hey, you still under its effect?" 

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