Chp. 6

54 13 25

"When you look at yourself in the mirror.... 
Do you hate yourself as much as I do?"
~Park Jimin

= = = = = = =

Author Pov_

"Can you please stop doing that?!" he hissed smiling apologetically to the people surrounding us. 
"No, I can't, now shut up. Why is there so much crowd here anyway?" Ivy replied with a frown.
"Oh that- I don't know. I think its cause someone popular is coming here today."
"I s-"

Her words were stopped abruptly as an announcement came on. 

"Flight 7MIN-US10 has safely landed. Passengers would be out through terminal 43 soon."

Ivy ran to towards the terminal and Sid groaned following her. She smiled under the black mask as people started filing out in the spacious terminal.

"Do you see them anywhere?!" she asked Sid looking up at him. He grinned and shook his head.
"Funny of you to think I'd tell you."

Ivy scoffed turning back to face the now crowded place. Suddenly, she was pushed away aggressively as a flood of media people and a small population of females started screaming.

"Damn, are you okay?" Sid asked catching her as she blinked in surprise at the girls. Sid followed her gaze and frowned as he saw the girl shouting loudly. 

"I'm fine c'mon they'll be out soon." she said straightening her posture. She stood on her toes to have a better look as the people were now covering all the place near the aisle. Ivy's eyes widened and she quickly pulled her shades on as when she saw the media filming the gates. A man wearing a large hoodie and black shades came out waving at the crowd. A young woman by his side smiled looking at the crowd and whispered something in his ears making him laugh.

He ran his hand through his hairs and laughed again looking down. Ivy's eyes widened once again. But that was not because of the incredibly handsome man who was now looking straight at her. She was rooted to her place with a million questions storming in her head. Her eyes then slowly dropped to the hand he was holding. A small boy who was smiling at her with wide eyes and waving frantically.

Hyunsoo was waving at his mother frantically.

= = = = = = =

Ivy pov_

I felt faint. A million question came to my mind that I didn't wish to voice.

I blinked once. And pinched myself. No..... It hurts... It's real. 

I was seeing him. Right in front of my eyes. Smiling and waving at the crowd around me with affection etched on every corner of his face. The woman said something to him then and he laughed. I felt sick not even knowing why I was feeling this way. My eyes then lowered to the small hand he was holding. It was Moon's. He was holding my son's hand. 

I felt anger bubbling through each and every part of my body and a strong sense of hatred towards the man. It made no sense... I don't even know him.

I came back to the reality as I noticed Moon running towards me. I sat on my knees opening my arms wide as he felt in my embrace. 

"Aww my baby, did you miss me?" I asked chuckling. Moon nodded enthusiastically before replying.

"Yes! I missed you so much eomma! and I made a friend on the plane! Look!!" he blabbed happily.

He walked towards us as I stood up holding Moon's warm hand in mine that was sweaty. 

"Hyunsoo is really cute, and he loves you a lot too! He kept mentioning you all through the way", he said. My grip on Moon's hand tightened as I matched his eyes. 

"I'm sorry if my son disturbed you."
"Oh no he didn't. In fact, I'm sure I would have been extremely bored if it wasn't for him."

I forced a smile on my face even though he couldn't see my face fully. He removed his shades and ran his hand through his hairs. Which was of no use as they quickly fell back in their previous place.

"I'm Park Jimin. And this is my friend, Era Lloyd." 

The said woman smiled. Tried to anyway. Her lips were still pressed in a thin line. But I couldn't reciprocate. 

Park Jimin.... 

 Why? Why is his mint and freshwater smell making me feel faint? Why are his brown eyes making me feel emotions that are neither welcome nor appropriate? He doesn't seem bad but... But why does he feel like home?

"Uh. Ivy? Are you okay?" Sid asked me. I snapped my eyes from Jimin's to his. And blinked in confusion. "Sorry it's just that you are looking pale you don't look- uh- fine." he said smiling nervously. 

I looked at Moon who was looking up at me excitedly. Once again, I smiled and looked back up at them. 

"Hello. I'm Ivy and my friend. Sid Clayton." Sid looked at them with a smile. His dimple popped up as he shook hands with Era. I looked past them at the big watch hanging on a pole. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sid looking at nothing particular and Jimin giving Era a meaningful look. 

= = = = = = =

Moon was here, Ace would be joining us in a few days. Things are going in the perfect manner and I couldn't be happier. It is the third day after that incidence. Tomorrow, I am having another meeting with Rael but as a writer and actor. And Rael is not going to be my friend there, she was the director on whose project I was going to work on. 

= = = = = = =

A short filler chapter but 
I'll make it up to you.

Thanks for reading and a special
thanks to my long-lost sister!!!!
Stay strong,
Stay positive,
Stay safe!

*anyways I swear autocorrect-

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