Chp. 8

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"When you close your eyes, do I come to you like a storm raging over the peaceful or do I calm your racing heart like the soft fathomable snow?"
~Chris Lloyd

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Breaking news

It has been confirmed from our resources that the upcoming big budget drama, 'Soul mate' is being directed by one of the best directors and producers of the generation Z, Rael Davies and producer Choi Inha!

Both of the young ladies are well known for their pinpoint film-making and great pick of actors. This drama, which supports the main plot from a parallel universe, has been the topic of discussion of many youngsters nowadays!

The news of the director and producer being revealed has surely caused havoc! Stay tuned to know furthermore about the news!

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A sigh left Rael's lips as she placed the tab back down. The middle aged, kind looking man in the driving seat looked back from the mirror, checking up on her.

"Ma'am are you okay? should we drop by to get you something to eat?"

"Ahh no I'm fine. Let's just get there as soon as possible."

He nodded knowing it's of no use to try to divert his stubborn mistress's mind. He had pretty much seen her grow up. Having worked for her father for years before starting to work for her.

She was, by no means, someone with a sky-high ego. No, the young mistress was a very humble person. It was shocking that a person from her up-bringing to be so. But having parents like hers, it was pretty natural. Oh, what loving people they were!

Rael looked out of the window as they approached the building. She sighed, noticing the small crowd outside, waiting excitedly with banners and cameras. She slipped on her mask and ran a hand through her hairs. Suddenly her phone rang; Just as the car stopped.

"Hey girl!" a cherry voice greeted.

"Hello Ace. What can I do for you?" Rael said in a monotone.
"Ah how about dropping that tone first? It sounds formal."

"No shit, Sherlock." she muttered.
"Fuck you, Watson" she rolled her eyes.

"Anyway," he continued. "What were you doing?"
"Just having a jouska." she grinned knowing what his response was going to be.

".....Rael. I told you not to use those weird words around me."
"But it's a habit!" she laughed.

"More of thine conversation would infect my brain."
"Then be gone thy three-inch fool."
"Thou art unfit for any other place but hell"
"I would beat thee, but I would infect my hands."
"I get sick when I do look on thee."

"Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat!" she hissed. Things were getting heated now. The man on the driver's seat smiled, shaking his head.

"Thee art as a candle! The better burnt out!"
"The tartness of thine face sours ripe grapes!"
"Thine brain is as dry as the remaining biscuit after voyage!"
"Thou hast no more brain than I have in my elbows!!!"
"Be gone thou crusty batch of nature!"
"Thee be out of my sight!! Thou dost infect my eyes!" he said.... well practically yelled.

"Yah, you know what, fuck you" she said frustratedly.
"Ahh, you sound desperate" Ace said and she did everything in her power to stop herself from hurling the phone out of the window.

"Ace, get the fuck lost." she said calmly, her face turning slightly red.
"Oh my god look who admitted defeat." he laughed.

"Screw you!" she said, ending the call just as her driver busted out laughing.

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