Chp. 10

26 7 4

"So, I love you like how the moon loves the stars. Silent, pure and from afar... Forever from afar..."
~Rain Felton

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There is a way to tell the difference. But what happens when you look at a pair of identical twins for the first time ever? Confusion. The thing that happens, utter complexity as it drenches us completely when you try to differentiate between them. There is a simple example for that, inequality and injustice. Both the words are perplexing for simple minds. Both have meanings that are so very near to each other and yet, there is that little distance that cause them to be different. 

Inequality means treating two or more individuals different than the other/others. Wherein injustice means treating everyone unfairly. In inequality, one person is treated good while the other is treated dissimilar than the first individual or in plural. Injustice serves everyone the same way, with no hint of equitability.

Just like the difference between envy and jealousy... Rain looked to be paying adapt attention to everything that was going on around him when what he actually was doing, was drowning in his head. He bit his lip as he let his thought carry him away to the typewriter that was waiting for him at his home. He was working on the third part of his book and was extremely excited for the outcome. 

He had made his mind up when he completed his 3rd month beside Ivy, that he was not envious of her. Neither was jealous. He was just ambitious. Perhaps a bit more than he ought to have been, but he was. Stubbornly ambitious. As his one and only friend, Ace called him. He couldn't deny the fact though...

He knew that since he was very young, since his life had decided to mess him up. Or at least try to, anyway. He lost his family when he was seven and so, he was thwarted out to face a life filled with hardships. He went through everything without a word of complaint escaping his lips. He had faced everything head on knowing that is his family had been alive, they would have wanted him to be stable. 

And so, he fought. Even though the money offered to him by the government was not enough to afford his education, he fought. Even though he had no memories from before the incident, he fought. He starved himself, worked two part time jobs to afford his education. He got up extra early to walk to his school just so he could finally buy that secondhand typewriter.

Years later, he sat here now. With a job that he got half by is merits, half by his contact. That didn't feel pleasant. He had studied hard to be a writer someday. Just like Ivy. Just like how she was loved, wanted, respected and most important, felt. Rain wanted to be felt by his readers. he had read all of Ivy's work and more than that he had read all of the books written by foreign writers. 

Rain could already speak English, Korean and French. He wanted to know more though. He was hungry for that; he was hungry for knowledge. He watched as the people inside the room introduce themselves. He felt good that Ivy was doing something more than writing. The younger girl had always been too busy in her books and extending her private library that she had barely had time to look for anything else. 

He sighed putting his thought to a stop. Rain realized that the actors were now reading their scripts. He stood up and left the room silently, hoping to get something to quinch his thirst and hoping that maybe he could run into Hyunsoo, who he loved dearly. 

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Meanwhile, inside the room Ivy sat, more than just a bit nervous. Her eyes schemed through the words not really caching the meaning as she was busy thinking more about the man sitting beside her. It's not a lie that Ivy had been reading her script silently, before Jimin leaned towards her before whispering a compliment. 

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