The Avenger Tower

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~Harley's P.O.V.~

I was listening to the radio as AC/DC Back in Black was playing I was bobbing my head as I looked out the window, I heard Wade humming and I smirked a little he was taking me to see his buddy Tony Stark... I've heard things about the poor soul... a metal man. "Wade.. Are we there yet?" I smiled at him as he shook his head. "How much longer?" He glanced at me and then back at the road and chuckled a bit. "Another half hour..." I groaned adorably and he chuckled once more. "Don't laugh at me sir..." I glared at him and he just laughed a bit harder and I growled at him like a puppy dog, he just smirked and I rolled my eyes. "You're like a thorn in my side you know that?" I laughed at my own question and he smirked. "You're not the first to say that." I giggled a bit at his remark and I shook my head. "Pay attention to the road will ya?" I looked at him and he chuckled. "Well excuse me Princess...." I shook my head once more. The rest of the way was silent, not the bad kind.... the kind where we were both content of each others company and I looked over at him a couple of times and I felt him glance at me and then back to the road a couple of times as well. I guess I fell asleep for the last hour we were traveling because I felt tapping on my arm and I heard Wade saying, "Babygirl wake up.." I looked over at him and he smiled. "We are here.. the Avenger tower." I smiled and saw a large building with a huge "A" on it. "This is it?" Is all I could manage to get out of my mouth and Wade smirked and nodded. "Yes... Now lets go." I giggled and got out of the car quickly as did Wade and I was running to the door.


She was running to the door like a little puppy dog does when they hear the word treat, I guess shes heard of this place from somewhere. I opened the door for her and was walking in and I was looking around and I heard shouting and yelling that sounded like Clint and Tony arguing. "Stark!? You here?" I heard the arguing stop and saw Stark emerge from a room and I waved at him. "Hey Stark!" I saw him roll his eyes. "My jet isn't ready to be stolen again." I rolled my eyes. "The one time I do something and you will never forget it." He crossed his arms and I pulled Harley close to me, I saw Stark unfold his arms and he rose a brow as he looked at Harley. "who is this?" I looked up at him and smirked. "Meet my girlfriend Stark, this is Harley Quinn..." Stark was walking down some stairs to where we were and he walked right towards Harley and he took her hand kissing the top of it. "Pleasure Ms.Quinn." I rolled my eyes at him and I heard a giggle escape her lips. "Likewise Mr.Stark." He shook his head. "Please, Mr.Stark was my father... Call me Tony." I saw a sly smirk form on Tony's lips. "Down Stark.... She belongs to Wade." I heard Clint say as he walked out from the room he was in with Tony earlier. "Thanks Barton." He nodded as he walked down to us and he held his hand out for Harley and she took it. "Harley.. I like the name its really something." Harley smiled and shook her head. "So is Clint.." He let go of her hand and he smirked. "I also go by Hawkeye." She smirked. "Can you fly?" He shook his head and chuckled. "That would be the Falcon... I can shoot arrows from a distance." Her eyes widened and she was grinning. "No way! Show me! I always wanted to be an archer." Clint laughed and nodded. "If it would be alright with Wade... I could take you to the training room." She looked at me with her big blue puppy dog eyes and I chuckled. "Go on... just don't hurt yourself." She rolled her eyes and I gave a small peck on the lips and I watched her and Clint walk away towards the training room, I then turned to Stark. "We need to talk.." I said to him and he smirked. "Is the all great Deadpool coming to the metal man for help?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to Logan after this... It's about Harley and her protection." He shook his head. "Us heroes and our women." I chuckled at that. "You would do anything for Pepper and you know it." Stark couldn't help but smile at that fact. "Alright... you got a point." I smiled. "I always seem to do... Anyway... When I found Harley she was with this guy called The Joker... I killed him cause he was abusing the hell out of her... and it's just what if shes found a traitor where shes from...? She was a villian now shes pretty much on the good side." Stark sighed. "You're afraid of someone punishing her in some way.." I nodded. "I can't let her get hurt.. and I can't always be there to save her I know that." Stark cleared his throat. "You want some kind of emegency button for her to call upon one of your pals?" I nodded. "If she had something to call you or the X-Men... I would feel better about leaving her alone sometimes... do you think you could make something like that?" He smirked. "Who am I?" I laughed and nodded. "I get it... and do you think we could stay here for awhile..? I know Harley would love to meet the whole team." Stark nodded. "Sure... Nat, Banner and Rogers should be here by tomrrow they went to check something out at SHEILD." I nodded. "Thanks."

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