"The special day"

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~Wade's POV~

It's our special day. It's happening. I'm marrying her. I was waiting near the alter looking at all my friends. Logan was giving me a thumbs up and I smiled at my best man. Peter was smirking and nodded my head. The music of "here comes the bride" I saw her. She was walking down the aisle with Bruce Wayne next to her and his son Damien was the ring barrier. Harley looked so beautiful, I couldn't believe I was finally getting the girl, when she was standing in front of me I couldn't help but smile big.

~Harley's POV~

I couldn't believe it. I was marrying someone I actually wanted to be with. I knew how I felt about Wade and it just expands everyday, my love for him. We started saying our vows and his was the most special I've ever heard. "Harley Quinn, you're my crazy jester, my clown and everything I would ever want to be with. I hope we share so many crazy memories together and I will be the happiest merc with a mouth." I smiled and I said mine. "Wade Winston Wilson, you saved me from my darkness, you were there when no one else was, your my merc but you're also my  prince... I love you and I'm happy to be with you." We each said those words "I do" and he kissed me. We were officially married. "And couldn't be happier." Wade said. I giggled. "And you're in my head." He laughed, "fourth wall baby."

That is how the clown fell in love with the assassin.

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