"The big finale"

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~no one's POV~

It was the start of something but the ending of all. Wade knew what he had to do, he had to get his Harley back, Harley was being beat everyday hoping to make her snap and want to turn her against Wade. That would never work, Harley loved her crazy merc, always will. Batman needed to get Selina Kyle and Ivy behind bars, that's where they belong now. Ajax or Francis wanted to kill Wade Wilson for killing him before. Batman, Robin and Nightwing started to head into the warehouse through the top floor window making their way  into where Harley and her tortures were, Bats sent a signal to colossus and Ellie, Wade and Angel would get Harley and get her out and then go back for Francis. Batman sent out a smoke bomb and when it went off he started beating the shit out of Ivy and Selina with his team mates. Soon enough Batman had them knocked off. Francis saw this from his security room and didn't like this at all. "Get them!" He yelled to his goons through the coms. Once the goons were on the floor that's when colossus and Ellie started going at them, punching, kicking, choking. Wade was getting anxious and he looked at Angel, "I need to go in there and get her." Angel shook her head. "Not yet.. You need to wait for the signal." He let out a groan and saw Harley struggling in the chair and he wanted to run to her, keep her safe. Francis saw a glimmer from one of Wade's guns from the camera where Wade was hiding and Francis smirked. "Well what do we have here?" He got up and started to walk down to the floor. Once he was down there he called out Wade's name and Wade stood up. "Now?" He looked at Angel and she nodded. "Francis! You have my lady.., again." He narrowed his eyes at the man. "I want her back." Francis took out his batons. "Guess you'll have to kill me again." Harley was looking at Wade and Francis and she was struggling. "W-Wade!" She called out. "Don't worry baby... I got this!" He yelled and started going at Francis. The fight was going on for a bit but Francis was getting tired, "I'm going to kill you... Then your girl." Wade let out a chuckle. "That's why you're panting?" Wade said as all of a sudden Wade kicked Francis down and slit the man's throat. "He's down and out once more." Wade said as he got up and walked over to Harley cutting the rope off of her and he picked her up hugging her tightly. "Baby." Harley smiled and hugged her love back and then kissed him. "I'm alright." He kissed her back. "Thank god."

Selina and Ivy were now in jail. It's been a year since the incident and Batman told Wade who him and his team were and if he ever needed them to give them a shout. Wade had proposed to Harley after the incident and she had said yes they were getting married tomorrow and he couldn't wait to say "I do."

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