"The torture begins"

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~Harley's POV~

Pain. Pain is all I know right now, not the same kind I thought of as pleasure, no the kind I used to hand out to Bats and his sidekicks, the kind I used to endure from Joker. Ajax was killing me slowly, there were times when he would have Selina or Ivy do it, I could tell they hated me for changing who I hung out with, who I was with, I was hoping Wade wouldn't give into anything Ajax would tell him, I could hold on... I knew I could. Blood curdling screams escaped my lips and I was whimpering and wincing in pain, Ivy just laughed as Selina would claw at me. "Shush now, jester." Selina would say as I screamed and that is when Ajax walked in. "Down my kitty." He said as Selina backed away from me and I looked at him. "You won't get away with this! I'm not afraid of someones name that comes form dishsoap." I snarled and that's when Ajax would slap me. I just smirked and looked up at him, "You think you could truly hurt me? Truly make me squeal?" I narrowed my eyes at the man. "I'm Harley fucking Quinn." That's when I saw a sly smirk appear on the mans lips. "You sound like him... Just like Wade, no wonder he has taking a liking to you.. but do so remember... you're just a toy in his game, like all his women." I growled and I leaned closer to Ajax. "You don't know him or me." Ajax chuckled and turned to look at Selina and Ivy. "Get the news out to Wade that I have his little girlfriend." They both nodded and walked out of the room. Ajax turned back to me, "Time to have some fun, huh?" He said laughing as he walked out. "Come back here! You bastard!" I yelled but nothing happened as usual.

~Wade's POV~

It happened. The thing I feared most, Francis got a hold of my precious Harley, my babygirl. I got the call from Tony I couldn't believe it, I knew where he could be, this was Francis we are talking about. I started packing up my stuff and I talked to Colossuss about what was going on and he offered his help once again and this time I took it without arguing. Angel even agreed to take down Francis once and for all. The professor located the bastard much quicker then I would of and less bloody, we were climbing on to the jet and I started it up. "We get in and get out, Understood?" I said, "But Francis is mine." They all nodded and as soon as we left my jet was picking up a call and I picked it up. "Deadpool here." A dark raspy voice spoke, "Batman, I know where you are headed Wade Wilson, I also know the two women who took Harley and whose helping this Francis, my team and I could help." I had to think for a second, "What's in it for you, Batman?" Batman cleared his throat. "Selina and Ivy are mine, I take them in." I nodded. "Very well... Meet me where Francis is being kept with your team." Batman agreed and I hung up the call. I landed the jet a mile away from where Francis was and I got out quickly. "We wait here for this so called Batman and his team, sound good?" Everyone nodded and I was leaning against the jet. "This should be good."

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