"The Plan"

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~Wade's POV~

It was time. I saw a dark jet landing on the ground and I stood up straight looking at the figures jumping out of the jet. "You are Batman?" He nodded. "And they say Wolverine has problems." Bats glared at me and I put my hands up. "Sorry.. Who are these people?" I said as I pointed to a boy with a 'R' on his suit and then a man with a blue logo on his chest. "Robin and Nightwing, they are the teams." I nodded. "Colossus, Angel and mega sonic teen or something like that." Ellie rolled her eyes and they waved to the others. "What's the plan, Bats?" Batman took out a map of the warehouse and lied it out. He was talking of the plan and I was listening intently, I needed to get Harley back, I needed to make sure she was safe back in my arms, away from any harm. Batman finished talking and I ran off with Angel into the warehouse getting into our place and that's when I heard screaming, blood curdling screaming. "Harley." I whispered. Angel shook her head and put her hand on my arm. "Don't. You go in there now you could get us all killed. We don't all heal, Wade." I growled. "He's going to kill Harley." She shook her head. "He's baiting you... I think you know that.. Don't play hero now, Wade." I clenched my fists and I spoke into the intercom. "Ivy and Selina spotted." I said as I was watching them torture their 'friend'. "Time to move, Bats." I said as I was hiding behind some crates. "We heard you Wade. Going in now." Bats had said.

We are coming, Harley.

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