The Apartment

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~Harley Quinn's P.O.V.~

This guy deffintley knows how to live. There are pizza boxes everywhere I turn and beer bottles... I looked over my shoulder and saw a dog on a little pillow. I walked over to a raggedy looking couch and I saw Wade motion for me to sit down and I looked up at him. "The couch won't bite you... I promise." I smirked and took a seat on the couch. "This is a... nice place, you got here." He chuckled, and shook his head. "There is no need to lie to me... I know its a mess, I don't usually have any kind of company over." He said and I shook my head as I threw my hands up. "I don't judge... trust me.." He was taking his mask off and I looked at his scared face. "Woah..." I said as I stood up. "Your face..." He looked at me in complete awe and fear, he was quickly putting his mask back on but I stopped him by grabbing his arm, I shook my head. "Wade... Don't... They look unique..." He looked at me and smiled softly. "You really think so...?" I smiled and nodded. "I'm postitve..."

~Deadpool's P.O.V.~

This woman... shes something different that's for sure. She's not bothered by my scars or anything like that, some girls freak out and scream when I take off my mask, I could care less... but her, she's all I need or at least want. "Har... Can I call you Har?" She smiled at the nickname and nodded her head. "Great... You know you're the second girl to not run away screaming from me..." I saw her put her hand over her mouth and saw a tear fall from her eye, she then put her hand on my cheek. "I would never run from you, Wade." I smiled small at those words. "Harley.. Dear.. Would you like to go out with me sometime..?" She smiled and nodded. "No clown make up and no mask..?" I blinked but nodded. "You wouldn't mind people seeing me like this and looking at you strangely?" She giggled a bit and shook her head. "Of course not.. As long as you don't mind.." He smiled softly and he shook his head. "No of course not.. Anything to make you happy... You should catch some sleep.. You can have my room I'll take the couch." She nodded as I showed her to my room and I bit my lip as I watched her walk in, she turned to me and kissed my cheek and whispered to me a good night and I walked out shutting the door behind me.

Deadjester love{book 1}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ