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"So, what are your plans for later today?" Y/N asked as she walked down the stairs with Draco.

"Well, I've got my soccer practice to do," Draco recalled. "The coach is so furious that we're doing badly."

"When is the interschool competition, by the way?" she asked.

"I think after the Christmas holidays," Draco answered.

"Whoa! There's a lot of time for that," Y/N commented.

"Yeah, but the team is supposed to be better during this time," he said, "We shouldn't be discovering our weaknesses during the last month of preparation. It's the time to master your game."

"You sure do know a lot about soccer," she said.

"It's not only about the soccer," Draco pointed out. "It's about all the sports in general."

"What are your weaknesses?"

"From what the coach told me," Draco said, "I have to keep my personal life out of the game. It causes me loss of focus."

"I don't know what personal problem you're going through," Y/N said suddenly, "But I'm always here if you wanna talk about it. Or just need someone to support you."

"I tend not to rely on anyone," he said, "But thanks for the offer. I'll consider it."

Y/N made a face as if teasing Draco. "Haha! How alpha male of you!"

Draco didn't know what it meant but laughed along with her.

After a moment of silence, Y/N spoke, "I couldn't kiss him."

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Jason," she said. "I couldn't kiss him."

"Why?" Draco slowly asked.

"I don't know," she explained. "It's not that the date didn't go well. Jason's a wonderful guy."

Draco ignored the slight sting of jealousy he felt. "Then, what's the matter?"

"I..." Y/N stuttered, "I think because... it feels like I'm betraying you."

"Betraying me?" he raised his brows.

Y/N shrugged. "That's what it feels like."

"Y/N," Draco placed his hands on Y/N's shoulder, "You are not betraying me. I asked you to do this. Remember? And Jason's a good guy — you said it yourself. I suggest you give him a chance."

Draco heard Y/N sigh. "I guess," she said.

Draco gave her a faint smile and pulled her in for a hug. As he caressed her head, he said, "Everything's gonna be alright."


I hadn't attended classes in days. I was busy with either Draco or the marathon work. But finally, Monday arrived, and I got to hear the History lecture. Professor Joanne made us sit with our partners again. But this time, Draco took the seat on the other side of me, with Aria beside him, which made Andrew, Draco, Aria and me sit in a row. Perhaps, this was what Draco meant when he mentioned taking care of Andrew.

"Now, class," ma'am announced, "I understand that most of you are busy preparing for the marathon as it will be happening earlier this year. I had initially planned to take your presentations during that time, but considering the current situation, I suggest we start with it as early as tomorrow itself."

The class groaned in unison. Except for this being sudden, most students hadn't prepared for it.

"I know, I know," ma'am said, "We won't be conducting the presentations during the marathon, which is why there are fewer days between the marathon and your Christmas break. And since we need to get it over with before the holidays, we cannot adjust so many presentations in so little time."

Living In The Muggle World (Draco Malfoy x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now