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Chapter 1

"Okay, what's on the agenda Paige? Were in Vegas for ten days. I don't want to push you to much, but I want us to have fun and let loose. This is important." I roll my eyes "I plan on having fun, Jess" I say on an exaggerated sigh "I just know you, Paige. You're a damn hermit sometimes. This is a vacation for fun. I don't want you doing any writing once we get there. You can do all the damn writing once we get back to our normal lives."

I roll my head toward her and give her the fakest smile "I'm going to live it up, drink tons of alcohol and spend godly amounts of money on slots. I promise." Jess shakes her head at me "don't be an asshole Paige." I laugh "I'm just kidding. I'm gonna have an awesome time with my amazing best friend" she smiles "you mean your amazing, fun and hot looking best friend"

Before I can comment the flight attendant comes on with buckle up and the rest of the flight speech they give. I get buckled up. Take my pills I have ready, to get through this flight with out a headache.

Once we're in the air. I'm lost in thought about the news I've recently received and what that means. After college Jess and I remained in New York. My career started off a bit rough. As it does for many authors trying to make a career for themselves. Over the last few years I've become a thriving and very successful author. Won some very prestigious and popular awards and been one of New York's best selling authors. So I would say I've been doing the damn thang. I'm very proud of my accomplishments.

After going through some shitty stuff, I've taken life by the balls and really came out of my shell.

Jess interrupts my thoughts "so what are you gonna do about Ryan?" I shrug my shoulders " I don't know. I think I'm gonna probably have to get my agent to contact his manager and set something up. I can't release my biography once I've finished it, with out his signature for release of the info that includes him in my book"

"So how are you gonna handle it, if you have to see him? I mean it's been years since we have heard from him. You didn't handle him leaving very well to begin with"

"I honestly don't know, if you want the truth"

"I say if you get the chance, you give that asshole a piece of your mind. He deserves that shit. I know I am, once I see his assface"

"Is it worth it though?"

"Hell yes, it is worth it. He didn't just leave you, you know"

"Yes, I know this"

  Two years into college. Ryan up and left with out a word. Six months after he left, he released his first single. Since then, he's released multiple records. He's been very successful in his career. He's even won a few Grammy awards. He has been on a few tours National and international. Seems like it never bothered him to leave us.

   Me on the other hand, took it very hard. Cried my heart out for weeks. Went through a depression. He had broke my heart into a million pieces. After awhile I picked up all those damn pieces and glued them back together with the help of Jess. Took all the negative feelings, put them into my studies and my career and moved on with life. I mean, what else can you do? Instead of letting it get me down. I proved to myself that I didn't need a man. I was a strong ass woman. A damn successful one. If I might say so myself. I might not be a multi millionaire like Ryan, but I do make a very nice living for myself. I have written a couple very successful inspirational books about the power of a woman's mind. My heartbreak being the inspiration for them.


We checked in to our suit at the Bellagio. After unpacking, I crawled into bed. Just to give my brain some rest from the flight. The long flight was a bit much for my head. It had started hurting and I felt a bit nauseous.

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