Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


   Ryan has instructed the wedding will take place downstairs, here at the Bellagio. We've been escorted down. Once I'm outside the doors, where I've been told Ryan is on the other side waiting for me. I here a gasp from behind me.
   "You look so beautiful"
I turn around "Mom?"
   "It's me sweetheart. I can't believe you were going to get married without me"
   I lunge into her arms for a hug
   " I can't believe you're here. Wait, how are you here?"
  "Ryan called us. Spoke to your dad for his blessing and everything. He knew you'd want us here."
I try to hold back the tears, but it's impossible.
   "Don't cry, honey. You'll ruin your makeup"
My mom says as she wipes my eyes.
   My parents may not have been around much growing up, but they've done their best the last few years. My mom isn't exactly the mothering type, but she loves me in her own way. My dad on the other hand I'm a lot closer to.
   "Is dad here?"
   "He is, he's using the restroom. He should be here any moment. I have something for you."
  She pulls a box out of her purse. Inside are is a pair of beautiful diamond drop ear rings.
   "Your something borrowed and something old" she smiles "they were your grandmothers. Now you have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue"
   "And a penny for your shoe"
I turn around to see my dad holding a penny. I hug him as tight as I can. This day couldn't have turned out more perfect. I thought we'd just go to one of the quick wedding chapels they have here and Ryan has turned it into something beautiful for me. I swear he couldn't be more perfect. My emotions are running so high. Holding back all these tears is getting harder by the minute.
    "Dad! I'm so happy your here. You guys aren't mad?" I look at both of them
  "No baby girl, we aren't mad." My dad laughs "We're happy for you. We always knew this day would come eventually. You two were as thick as thieves growing up. That boy has always loved, and protected you. Sounds like he put you first and looked out for you all these years he hasn't been around too. From the conversation we had"
   "I'm so freaking happy" I smile and hug them both again
  "Time to get you down the aisle"
  I nod "Okay, let's go"
   The doors open to the most beautiful sight of what I would call a fairy wonder land. White flowers hang from the ceiling. Twinkle lights everywhere. Huge and small assortment of lavender color and white flowers. Ryan stands at the alter that's made up of lavender sheets draped behind him with twinkle lights and flowers. He is so handsomely gorgeous, in his Black three piece suit. Tears in his eyes as he watches me walk toward him. I'm so excited, I just want to run to him. I turn to my dad and apologize as I start running down the aisle. I hear laughter from those in the room. Ryan smiling from ear to ear. I jump into his arms

   "I can't believe you did all this, I love you so much" I say as I hug him tight. He chuckles
   "I wanted this day to be as perfect as it could be for you baby"
   "I'm so happy!"
He sets me back down and gives me a tender kiss. "I love you"
I whisper in his ear "you are so getting a blow job"
He throws his head back in laughter.
  "Can I marry you first?" He laughs
  "Yes, make me your queen"
   "What the girl wants, the girl gets"
He kisses me sweetly again. The minister cock a brow at us "we ready?"
We both nod and say our vows
  "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride"
He grabs me by the nape of the neck and gives me the most sweetest and tender kisses, that quickly turns very passionate, until we here someone's throat clear.
Van leans in "you guys wanna save the rest of that for later?" He smiles
   Ryan rests his forehead against mine
   "This dress should be illegal, Mrs.King. I can't wait to see what's underneath"
   "Let's get this occasion finished up, so you can see, Mr. King"
   "Happy Birthday, baby"


   I'm one lucky son of a bitch. I just married the woman that's had my heart, since I first laid eyes on her 20 years ago. When I first seen her in that dress, that should be illegal for brides to wear. I though I was gonna lose it, but when she started running down the aisle toward me, so excited she couldn't even wait to walk. I lost it. Her smile hasn't let up since she first seen me. I'd give my millions to keep that smile on her gorgeous face.
   I was able to get her parents and mine here along with, her brother, both our best friends and my other two band mates. To witness the occasion. It's not a lot but it's who matters. I would have happily married her with no one around but I knew it would mean a lot to her. I find her talking to her brother.
   I walk up behind her and wraps my arms around her shoulders.
   "Can I steal my beautiful wife for a moment?" I ask her brother
  "Sure man, congratulations. Just keep her happy, so I don't have to kick your ass"
I laugh because the guy could kick my ass. I'm no light weight but the guy is huge. He's a quarterback for the Washington Seahawks.
   "I plan on it. I'll do anything for her and she knows it" I hug her tight from behind
   "Come on, wife. I have a surprise for you"
   "Lead the way, husband. I love saying that"
She smiles "good, get use to it" I kiss her cheek as I pull her in the middle of the room. And give my band mate Matt a nod.
   "Stand here beautiful"
There's a giant screen that is now starting to play a video I had edited with pictures from our childhood up until now together. I nod to my band mates that I'm ready. They're going to play the instrumentals for me while I sing the song 'perfect' for her. She loves this sappy shit.
   She turns as I start to sing, she already has tears in her eyes. I pull her in for a dance while I sing. Twirling her around and swaying with her. Swiping the tears from under her eyes. Once I'm done I pull her into a kiss, while everyone claps and awes.
  "Just when I thought this night couldn't get anymore beautiful, you go and swoon me like that. I think I just fell more in love with you, Mr. king"
   "I'm not done yet Mrs. King"
The guys start up again. This time they're the ones singing for us. They don't usually sing. That's my job, but each of them actually have great voices and we do have a few songs that they sang in the background on some of our tracks.
   "Oh my god! You remembered this song"
   "Baby.. for one, I don't forget songs and even if I wanted to. How could I? You had this shit on repeat when we were kids. I was actually fucking jealous of those bastards. You were more into them, than me"
  She laughs and kisses me. The guys are singing 'This I promise you' by you guessed it, fucking NSYNC. I had to sell my soul to the guys to get them to agree to this shit.
  "I was not obsessed" she laughs
I cock an eyebrow "Okay, maybe I was"
"Not only we're you obsessed. I remember you telling me many times.." I say in my best Paige voice "One day when we're married we're dancing to this song, Ryan" I laugh while she gives me a faked scowl. I pull her tighter to me and just sway us to the song and enjoy holding you in my arms.

   "How are you feeling, so far?" I ask
    "I'm good, this is all so amazing. Thank you"
    "You don't have to thank me. The smile you've had on your face all night, is enough"
I rub my nose along hers and kiss her softly
   "I think we should wrap things up, and get you out of this dress. It's getting late. We have a big day in the morning"
   She says she's fine, but I can see in her eyes, she's not feeling well. It's my job as a man and her husband to take care of her. From this day forward. Everything will be about taking care of her. Anything and everything she needs will be my priority. She will always come first.
   We make our rounds to say our goodbyes. Once we've exited the room hand in hand. I turn to realize it's raining. It seldom rains in Vegas. Which gives me an idea.
   "What do you say to one last dance?"
    "But we just left the—"
   "Follow me love" I say as I drag her behind me out the doors. She starts laughing
   "It's raining" she twirls herself in a circle with her arms out
  "I know" I wink at her as I grab her hand and pull her into me where we proceed to dance. I twirl her out and back into me, then grab her thighs and lift her. She wraps her legs around my waist and cups my face.
   "This is the most romantic thing I've ever done" she smiles and kisses the ever loving hell out of me. Once we come up for a breath I realize we have an audience. Many people awing us, as they take pics and videos. Including our family.
   "I think the world knows we're married now, love"
   "I don't care. I don't see them. I only see you" she says with so much love in her eyes. I wonder how you can love anyone, anymore than you already do. Apparently you can, because I keep finding myself in deeper with this woman.
   I carry her in my arms all the way back to the penthouse.

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