Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"That's what you are wearing tonight for dinner with Ryan" Jess says lifting a brow "Yes. He wants dinner, fine. This will be a business dinner. He does not get sexy me. He gets business me." I say as I finish my makeup "well I hate to break it to you, but you're just as sexy in business mode as you are casual, fancy or anything else" she laughs as she hands me my glasses with the black frames "wear these, instead of your contacts" I take them as I run my hands down my outfit. I have chosen a grey pencil skirt, black sleeveless silk top and matching suit coat, plus my black high heeled pumps. My hair is pinned up in a chignon and I have light make up on with lip gloss. Simple business attire. I don't plan on making niceties with him tonight. This will not be a casual dinner between old friends or lovers. Strictly business on my part. I put my pearl ear rings in while Jess stares me down "You need to tell him Paige, he should know what is going on"

"I don't have to tell him anything. He lost that privilege when he chose to leave 5 years ago."

"He would want to know. He shouldn't have to find out any other way. You know it will come out at some point when the press gets hold of the information. Plus, I think it would be good for you to ask him the reason why he left. He didn't leave because he wasn't in love with you. I think you should give yourself that closure you need" I roll my eyes at her as I grab my briefcase and my purse while heading towards the door "I'll see you in awhile. Wish me luck"

Kevin walks me into the penthouse. I follow him into what I assume is the living area. "Ma'am have a seat. He should be with you soon" he says as he sweeps his arm out motioning me to sit down. I scoff doing so, but sit. Ma'am? I'm not that damn old.. Jesus. I get up and walk over to the floor to ceiling windows and admire the view while waiting. Must be nice having all the money in the world he can afford this. I shouldn't be surprised. He's been very successful in his career since he left. I have kept track of him. Not that I would ever admit that to him. Not that it was hard. Since every time the radio is turned on you most likely hear one of his songs play. I hear a throat clear "Thanks for coming" I can see his reflection in the windows. He is dressed all casual in ripped jeans, a fitted tshirt and barefoot. Damn this man. He looks sexy as fuck. I have to clench my thighs together at the sight of him. I still don't turn around. He chuckles in a low sexy way "You wore business clothes? You could have worn something more comfortable but I'm good with the sexy business look. It looks good on you Paige" he says as he walks up behind me. He is standing so close to me I can feel the heat from his body but he isn't touching me. Shit he smells good too. Damn him.. he is not gonna make this easy. He was always good looking but when he left he still had that boyish look about him but now he is all man, more muscular. What I wouldn't give to see him with out the clothes.

"This is a business dinner. Nothing more"

He bends down close to my ear "I have missed you Paige" He says, as he wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind "I am glad you came"

I pull out of his embrace to get some distance between us. I'll cave and he knows it, if I allow him that kind of closeness. "Do you have something to drink" I say as I get a few feet away. "Of course, what would you like? I have champagne, wine.."

"I'll take something stronger"

He lifts a brow "since when did you start drinking the hard stuff" he says as he poors to tumblers with amber liquid

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me anymore"

I don't drink the hard stuff, except the occasional moments I have tequila with Jess but he doesn't need to know that. I need something to get through this dinner with him. He hands me a glass as he starts walking to the huge dining table that could sit 20 damn people I swear. "Come sit Paige. Dinner should be served soon." as I follow him I sip the liquid. It burns going down but I don't let him know how strong it is.

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