Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


    The next morning I'm woken by my phone going off. I just groan, putting the pillow over my head. It's to damn early for anything. Ryan is wrapped around me and I'm comfy. Whoever it is, I'll call back later. I snuggle back into Ryan, when my phone goes off again. I blindly reach for my phone, while Ryan's hold on me tightens.
   "Well, well.. you actually answered your damn phone. Nice to know you're alive. Are we able to talk, or is your caveman going to disconnect our call again"
  Oh shit. It's my agent. I had forgotten she called. With everything going on, I haven't returned her call. She's been blowing up my phone, but I've ignored all calls.
   "Good morning, Barbara"
   "I've been bombarded with a shit storm from the media, and everyone else you have contracts with. It's time to face the world, Paige"
  I groan into the phone. "I know, I'm sorry. I've just had a shit time dealing with some things that have come up"
  "Well, we need to discuss how you'd like to deal with announcements for everything. I'd like a meeting with both you and your new husband and his agent. We can do everything by video. Im also assuming since you've married him, that you've gotten his signature. The publisher wants everything ready and legal." I sigh. My head is already beginning to hurt. I rub my forehead.
   "I'll speak to him and figure it out. Then text you later?" Ryan moves to get up and leaves the room. I hang up with Barbara and use the bathroom. When I come back to climb in bed, he has my pills and a glass of orange juice on my nightstand. He's already back in bed, his eyes closed. After taking the meds and drinking the juice I cuddle back to him. He wraps himself back around me and nuzzles his face in my neck. "We'll talk later, one more hour." He says
   Hours later, I'm woken by Ryan caressing my face. "Time to get up, love. I need you in the shower and dressed professionally. We have a video meeting, in an hour." I groan and roll over. He swats my ass "Heyyyy!"
  "It's been four hours. I said an hour. I've gotten everything set up. You just need to be ready and sitting at your desk on an hour. First, eat." I look over to see eggs, bacon, and fruit. "You've lost weight. No more messing around, Paige." He says sternly, in his No bullshit tone. I swear he only calls me 'Paige' when he's serious. "Fine" I sit up grumpily to eat. He kisses my forehead and jumps in the shower.

  Later after our video call. We've decided to make our own video about our recent nuptials and my illness. We'll release it on our social media accounts by the end of the week.
  "Why didn't you tell me about the Vegas deal?" I ask. His agent slipped in front me talking about it. He waves me off, while he digs through the freezer to take out some steaks to grill later. Van is on his way over, to hang out.
  "Because, I'm not taking it. We have more important things to focus on." I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist, kissing his back. "I want you to take it. It's only one weekend a month for twelve months. You can't stop working because of me, babe." He turns in my arms and lifts me up, sitting me on the kitchen island. Hands on the counter on either side of me. I'm boxed in and we're face to face.
  "The guys don't want to take it either. This next twelve months is suppose to be our downtime and my time to work on writing music with Van. We have some promotional things set up and other gigs for commercials and shit, for now. Other than that, this is what we all want." He says kissing me quickly. Then he heads to go down to the basement.
  "I'm just gonna grab a case of beer, and drinks to fill the patio fridge. I'll work on getting house keeping for us soon." He yells. I guess that conversation is over. I hop off the counter and head up to Jess's room.
   When I get to her room. She's sitting out on the patio, typing away on her laptop. I sit down across from her. "Whatcha doing?" I ask
  She doesn't look up as she answers. "Answering emails. I start work at the office on Monday." Jess is an accountant. She works for some firm, that deals with huge company accounts. They've let her transfer to one of their west coast branches. She'll work out of LA.
  "Okay.. I'm gonna get changed into my swimsuit. Van will be here soon and Ryan's going to grill steaks. Will you be down?"
  "Yeah, I'll be down soon. Just have to finish up some things first." She seems preoccupied, so I head to my room to change. First, I check my own email and find one from the photographer, from our wedding. I open the attachment and look through the pics. I come to one of us, from when we're dancing in the rain. I didn't even know the photographer was still there at the time. It's beautiful.. Ryan has me lifted by thighs, our foreheads touching while he was swinging me around. It brings tears to my eyes as I touch the screen, remembering the moment. Ryan comes in and sees me and furrows his brows "what's wrong?"
I turn the laptop so he can see. He comes over and sits down next to me looking.
  "You look so beautiful" he says
  "We look beautiful" I smile
  "It's my favorite, I want a huge framed print for the wall" he says
  I laugh "you haven't seen the others yet"
We look through the rest. The photographer did a really great job on capturing the best moments. It's truly beautiful all the pics she's gotten. We put in our order of what we'd like.
  "I can't wait to fill this home with our memories. Making it truly home" Ryan says thoughtfully.
  "Me too" I smile as I climb on top of him to straddle his hips and bend to kiss him. He grabs my ass in the process and thrusts up.
  "Gag me! I thought you were changing" Jess says from the doorway. Ryan thrusts up again. "She's getting naked alright." He chuckles against my lips. I swat him and climb off to head toward my dresser. "I'll be down in a minute" I laugh
  We both get changed and head for the patio to lounge by the pool. Jess is already laid out on one of the loungers, with the scrimpiest bikini she has on, sporting a sun hat. I'm in a white bikini and sun hat. Ryan hands me a water and Jess a beer, then sits down beside me and starts applying sunscreen to my front. "I downloaded an app on your phone for the Sonos system" he nods to my phone. "Put something on"
  So I grab my phone and put on some light R&B.
   "I never thought I'd ever own a home like this" I say
  "Well get use to the lifestyle, baby. Turn over." So I turn over
  "You spoil me" I say smiling
  "Only the best for you" he says swatting my ass. "You're done"
  "Jess you need help with sunblock" Van pipes up as he walks towards us grinning.
Jess looks up "I sure do" she responds with a huge smile. Ryan and I just look at each other. "Here Bro" Ryan says as he throws Van a beer.
  "I didn't hear you come in" Ryan says as he reaches for his phone.
  "Your phone alerts you to that?" I ask with raised brows. "Yeah.. let me show you"
  "You've been awfully busy on my phone" I say. He shows me the app for our security system he's downloaded on my phone. It's overwhelming, the kind of money my husband has. I mean.. when someone comes over, I can see who it is right from the video feed on my phone. There's also video feed of the premises and around the rest of the house. It's crazy. "Is this all really necessary. I'm mean, that can't be cheap babe" I say
He and Van both pipe up "yes" at the same time.
   "Just to be cautious, love. We do get the occasional fan, that goes overboard. Not to mention the media and who knows. It's not negotiable"
  "I'm glad my husband is Mr. money bags."
  "We have money. What's mine is yours." He says "I already have you on all my accounts, and have had all the legalities done on my end. You should think about that too, Paige."
  "Yeah, I guess I do need to make some changes"
  We spend the afternoon enjoying the sun and pool. Ryan's grilling the steaks and I've put some cotton shorts and tshirt on over my suit. Ive snuggled up on the couch in front of the fire place, searching for something to watch on the outdoor television. Van and Jess are still by the pool lounging. Once we're all done eating, We get a fire going and Ryan and Van bring out their Guitars and start playing.
   Ryan starts singing
>             In 98, it was fate, I met you.. waves crashing, rain falling, heart pounding.. 20 years later.. staring into those hazel blues.. dancing in the rain, I always knew it was you...

  Van joins in with his guitar, while Ryan sings this amazing song, he's written for me. His voice is so beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes, between his voice and the words. I love it! He reaches over, wiping a tear away from under my eye. "I take it, you like it?" He says smiling. "Ryan, it was beautiful! I loved it."
  "I have to say, that was awesome, Bro!" Van pipes up
  "Yeah, that was heart melting, and I don't say shit like that." Jess says

They continue on singing and talking about life on the road. It's a new insight to the life Ryan had with out me. He's so happy talking about those memories. And maybe it's selfish of me but it makes me a little sad, that I wasn't part of his life for those years.
  As if he can tell what I'm thinking, he pulls me onto his lap and kisses my temple.
  "It wasn't always easy, love."
  "yeah.. this love sick asshole, was hell to deal with over the years.. Believe me." Van says shaking his head.
  "Another beer anyone?" Van asks to lighten the mood.

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