Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Laying on our sides facing each other. Staring into the mans eyes that I once loved and still do. If I am being honest. Trying to figure out how to tell him the worse news of my life. The man before me is the one I fell in love with. The one that loved me fiercely, protected me at all cost and soothed my fear away. The man that could make love to me or fuck me senseless. God, I have missed him. I just want him to wrap me in his arms and tell me it's all going to be okay. Even though I know it's not possible for him to help this. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear "Talk to me baby, tell me what's going on with you." I close my eyes as tears threaten their way to the surface, shaking my head back and forth. He wraps an arm around my waist pulling me to him "Shhh it's going to be okay." He says as he rubs my back. He smells of expensive cologne and clean scent. His smell alone is comforting. My face is in the crook of his neck. My tears falling "I'm sick Ryan." holding me tight, he says. "I know. You'll feel better soon. It's just a headache." keeping my face in his neck so I don't have to look him in the eye "No. it isn't just a headache. I have a brain tumor. It's not going to get better." I feel his body tense. He pulls back so he can look me in the eyes.

I can see a swarm of emotions in his eyes. He opens his mouth then closes it a couple times. He can't even form any words to respond, to the huge Bomb I have just dropped on him.

"I found out a week ago. With surgery and radiation. I might have a year. Without treatment a few months. It's why I'm here. So Jess and I could have a week of fun before I make my appointment in LA for a second opinion and set up treatment. I'm moving there until the end." I say "It's why I'm writing my biography. The last piece of me before I go. Now you know why I need your signature."

He jumps of the bed and starts pacing back and forth. "Fuck the biography Paige." he yells

I move to a sitting position at the end of the bed "Ryan" I say as he paces back and forth totally losing it. His own eyes tearing up. He kneels in front me "We can fix this baby, I'll pay whatever it cost for the best doctors. Whatever you need, I got it."

He places his head in my lap while hugging my thighs. He's sobbing. I just run my fingers through his hair. Trying to calm him. "It is going to be okay, Ryan." he looks up at me "It's not okay, nothing about this is okay." he gets up and starts pacing again.

"Can't they remove it? I mean, there has to be something else they can do."

"Can I have one of your shirts? So I can get more comfortable?"

He hands me one of his cotton shirts. While he rants and raves. I change into the shirt in front of him. He is so frantic, he doesn't even give notice I strip down in front of him. Once I've changed I crawl under his blankets. Exhausted from the headache and the events of the evening. I lift the covers "lay down with me?" he just stops and looks at me "please Ryan.. just lay down with me for awhile."



I believe that certain souls are meant to be together, at different times, through different lifetimes. Those souls, may wander different paths at times, but for reasons we may never know.. when one or both souls need the other, they will always find their way back to the other. This is one of those times that the greater unknown knew that her soul needed mine.

Laying here with the other half of my soul, once again in my arms. As cliche' as it may sound, I once again feel complete. There is not one thing in this entire world that will rip her away from me, and I'm determined to do whatever means possible, to keep her with me.

I've been in such a mind fuck all night after the bomb she detonated on me last night. I haven't even slept. I have literally held her while she has slept for hours. Trying to think how I should handle this going forward.

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