Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


   Over the next few days, Ryan and I release a video through our social media about our past, present and future.. promising to keep all our fans updated through our journey with  my cancer. We've received so much love and support, it's crazy. It makes me smile. We have a new housekeeper 'Lena' she comes during the week to cook, clean  and whatever else needs done. She's an older lady, but very sweet and efficient.
  Ryan's set up my appt for termination, which is tomorrow and a few days later, the removal of my tumor.
  Jess has started her new job, I've been writing and Ryan has been working on his music. It's almost as if it's just normal everyday, but I feel anything but normal. My anxiety is high today. I can't even concentrate on my writing. Then My phone pings with a text from Ryan.

My King: come downstairs

I go downstairs and see lighted candles and roses on the foyer table. With a note in the middle.

>   Come to the first place we met. Kevin is waiting for instructions where to go. Love- Ryan

  I slip my feet into my sandals. And run out the door. Sure enough, Kevin is standing there waiting for me by the car.
  "Evening Mrs. King" He says as he opens the door. I tell him my parents house is where I need to go. It's where we first met. On the Beach in front of their home.. Ryan and his mom were walking down the beach. While my mom and I were in the sand playing.
  Once we get there I dart out and run down to the beach. I see a sand castle with candles around it, on top is a picture of us taken that same day, building a sand castle. It makes me smile. We were both five years old and immediately became inseparable. On the back of the picture there's another note.

>      Your next destination is the first place we danced. —Ryan

  That's easy. It was at the high school for our ninth grade dance. I run back to the car and tell Kevin where to go. When we get there, the old Janitor is standing by the doors waiting.
   "Mr. Stanley! It's been such a long time." I say as I give him a hug.
  "It's been ages." He smiles "I always enjoyed watching you kids fall in love. That boy had love in his eyes the first time I seen you together. Some things never change." He smiles brightly. He opens the doors and I run into the gymnasium, where I find a small table with a corsage, just like the one he gave me for the dance. I can't believe he's remembered all this. The note next to it says..

>       Find me at the first place I kissed you, before telling you I loved you for the first time. See you soon, love. —Ryan

   That would be the pier. We were on the Ferris wheel. He kissed me at the top as he said he loved me.
  When we pull up, the place is vacant. It's usually packed this time of the evening. As I walk up to the entrance. There's a man there to greet me. He directs me inside and I make my way to the Ferris wheel. Ryan is standing there, in worn jeans, a tshirt that says 'I love my wife', boots, his hands in his pockets and a huge smile on his face. I run and jump into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist.
   "I can't believe you did all this!" I say as I kiss him all over his face. He's laughing.
  "You really know a way to a girls heart. How'd I get so lucky?"
  "I know the way to your heart, and I'm the lucky one baby" he smiles, then sets me on my feet and leads me up to the Ferris wheel.
   "Ladies first" he motions me to sit and then slides in next to me. The wheel moves then stops once we're at the top. It's a beautiful view of the sun setting over the ocean.
    "It's beautiful" I say
    "I know" he says and when I look at him, he's looking at me. He cups my face In his hands and kisses me, just like he did back then.
   "I have something for you" he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a square box, then hands it to me.
  "Open it" inside is a necklace with a heart pendant. Ryan had given to me in this very spot. I lost it a couple years later while we were swimming in the ocean. I had never taken it off. I was so upset. I cried for days about losing it. He had spent his summer savings to buy it for me. He didn't have the money to replace it for me back then.
  "Ryan. I don't know what to say. This is the sweetest thing." My eyes fill with happy tears.
  "Let me put it on you" He clasps it around my neck and straightens it out for me.
  "This is definitely a more extravagant version of the original." I say smiling. This one is lined with diamonds and a bigger pendant on a much more expensive necklace.
  "Thank you for this, for everything." I say snuggling into his side, while we finish watching the sunset.
  "I love you" He says while he tightens his arms around me. Once we're off the Ferris wheel, we play some of the games and get corn dogs and vinegar fries. We take home cotton candy.

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