Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

   I wake up to Ryan's face between my legs, I clamp my legs around his head anticipating the orgasm that's about to happen, when he stops "What—" Then he thrusts into me and stills. His lips barely touching mine "Don't come yet, baby. Wait for me" and he starts to move. His arm wrapped around my shoulder. His other hand on my ass to lift up higher so he can get deeper and he thrusts hard and fast. Our bodies sweating and slick as he moves. I meet him thrust for thrust.
  "Come for me" he breathes heavy and I scream through my orgasm, calling his name. Then he stills and I feel him shudder through his own orgasm while he moans my name against my neck.
  We're both laying there, our chests rising and falling. When is phone rings, he doesn't seem interested in moving. So I nudge him.. "Don't you think you should get that" He grunts and blindly grabs for his phone. He brings it to his ear and says "This better be good" he must not realize he hit the speaker button when answering it. "Have you been on social media?" Vans voice comes through.
  Shit I haven't been on social media since we've gotten to Vegas. I haven't even been on my phone much at all the last 10 days. I've been in this happy bubble with Ryan, I haven't even had the urge. I've even ignored calls from my agent and publisher.
  "No, I've had something more important to focus on"
  "Well, after your dance in the rain last night. The news is out. Saying it's either a publicity stunt or you've actually married the famous author Paige Monroe. Media is thick downstairs bro"
  Just then my phone starts going off. It's my agent Bridgette. I throw my legs over the bed , grabbing my phone. I head to the bathroom. I sit down answering it. Not caring I'm on the toilet.
   "Good morning" I answer
   "Oh my god! Paige, tell me it's not true!! You've seriously went and married the man that abandoned you 5 years ago. You were suppose to get his signature, not marry the man!" She yells
  Just then Ryan comes in grabbing the phone out of my hands.
   "She'll call you back" he says as he hangs up and sets my phone on the counter
I cock an eyebrow at him. He props his hip against the counter. he's still completely naked. His flaccid cock swaying with his movements. I can't take my eyes off his body. He shakes his head smiling. "I'd like to have breakfast with my wife, before the crazy begins" I finish my business and move my way out of the bathroom, pausing at the door I look over my shoulder "Then let's have breakfast husband"

  Heading to the airport, with the car service Ryan has been using. It's was crazy leaving the Bellagio. The media is nuts and still following us. The headlines read
> Single heartthrob Ryan King, lead singer of soul is rumored to have wed his high school sweetheart. Famous author Paige Monroe in a quickie ceremony in Vegas.
Among other headlines of rumors that it's a publicity stunt.
  Ryan's fingers are laced with mine. He brings them up to kiss my fingers.
   "You sure you're ready for this? It's going to get crazy. They'll know soon" it's not our marriage he's referring too. It's my condition he's talking about. I knew I would have to deal with it soon enough. It's a little sooner than I would have liked, but I knew I would have to face the music sometime. Staring out the window. Thinking to myself how I want to handle this. I make up my mind.
  "I think I want to make a video diary, for my fans. Take them on the journey with me/us" I say still looking out the window.
   "We can make our own announcement together, about getting married, No interviews though." I say
  "I'll handle the details" is all he says

   We finally make the short trip to California and get loaded in the car. Ryan has had his hummer delivered to the airport from Malibu. So we're riding in that. Van went back to the penthouse he and Ryan share, and Jess is with us. We're riding down the coast.
  "I have a place I want you to look at before your appointment he says" our fingers our entwined, resting on my thigh."
  "As long as I have time for a nap after. I'm really tired" I say looking out the window.
  My mood has taken a drastic hit. Everything is kind of hitting me at once. The anticipation of my appointment is rally hitting my nerves, and I don't feel settled anywhere now. I've left New York, my home for the past 7 years, and now I'm going to live in an apartment, that I don't even know what it looks like. Except the pictures I've seen. I don't even know if our things have been delivered yet. It's stressing me out. I start sniffing, with the tears that have started to fall. I'm not ready for all this yet.
  "Baby, don't cry" Ryan says as he runs the back of his hand down my cheek. I just look at him and give a half smile.
  Jess puts her hand on my shoulder "We said no tears remember? You're a tough bitch and we got this. We're gonna make this home again" my friend always knows what's on my mind. But that's not all that's in my thoughts.
    "Easy for you to say.. this is where I'm coming to die. It's never going to be my home. Nowhere will" I start full on ugly crying, snot and all. Anxiety hitting me full force.
  "I can't pull over here Jess, care to help"
Ryan has his hand on thigh squeezing. While Both Jess arms come around and hug me from behind the seat. "Shhhh.. breath in through your nose, out through your mouth" she says in my ear. I hold her forearms that are wrapped around me and do the breathing technique and eventually calm down. Ryan flips the blinker and turns into some gates that open with a code. The house is beautiful. It sits right on the ocean. Surrounded by a stone wall. It's a two story stone home, that matches the wall surrounding the property. It's beautiful with palm trees everywhere. I love it and I haven't even looked inside.
   He parks and turns to me, unbuckles both our seat belts and pulls me into his lap. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and kisses my eyes. Wiping the tears away and kisses my lips. Resting his forehead on mine.
   "I don't want to hear you talk like that anymore, love. This is not where you die. This is where we make a home with each other. Live our life together with as much happiness as we can create. Maybe we have a tough road ahead, but that's not all we have to focus on.. okay?"
  I nod and hug him tight. "Okay. Are you going to show me this place or what?" I smile

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