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Everything starts from somewhere
But it seems that the endings for me
Are transparent
Almost inexistant
My endings are unfinished
Just like the books I've never complete reading
Sitting in my half organized half messy shelf
Just like all the poetries i began writing
And the stories that I've typed but never finished
Each character is sitting on a notebook
Waiting for a non coming fate
Collecting dust instead of written memories
Everything comes to an end
But not my paintings
Neither the songs that i once played
Before leaving my instruments behind
Leaving them mute
Just as muted as me
As muted as what i felt
When I walked away from an unfinished love story three years ago
As silent as how i disappeared from the life of many people
All the unfinished stories are silent
And I'm here for all of it's uncertainty
Because for me endings are too heavy to hold
For me
The girl who kept running away
From all the endings
To her own ..

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