losing you

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She woke up sad again
Filled with all kinds of pain
The emotional damage was real
And the physical one held too much regret into it
Broken glass
Bloody hands
She made a movie scenes
That smelled like actual blood
And burning skin
Swallowed by the sheets she started crying
Wishing to disappear in there
And crying was never just as easy
Never as heavy
Like boiling water cutting her pale dull face
"I'm on my own" she whispered
With a broken breath
One step away from panicking
One step away from death
She's on her own but she had him
And having someone never felt as lonely as this
Surrounded by people and phone calls
She goes to sleep with a handful of texts telling her that she's pretty and worthy of life
Handful of voices singing her to sleep
But not him
That's why loneliness never felt as sour
As bitter
So she goes to sleep sad again
Hopping for it to end
Her cruel words and intrusive acts
The physical damage and the emotional one
Waiting for it to disappear
All the hate and guilt
Wanting him back the one she fell for first
Wishing to be better
Rooting for that sunflower field

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