02 | the search

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Nervousness was biting at my ankles as I shut the passenger door to Jackson's car. I didn't have very high hopes for this trip back to Vegas. I think it's going to be near impossible to find out who I had married. What if it was a tourist? What if they lived across the country and are already on a plane back home right now? This was a huge mess I had gotten myself into.

I could guarantee you that I would never drink a sip of alcohol ever again.

The car ride to Vegas was silent. I couldn't clear my head enough to even formulate a topic of conversation, and I felt that if I spoke about what happened anymore, I was going to have a mental breakdown. Half an hour passed before we were driving through the streets of Las Vegas. Jackson had thankfully remembered the bar that we had gone to, so our plan of action was to check and see if they had any security camera footage of me with another guy.

Thankfully the bar was open despite it being a little bit after 2 pm. Jackson and I walked in, and inklings of memories of the previous night filled my mind, but nothing held any substance. Nothing took me a step closer to finding out who this mystery man is.

Jackson and I sat at the bar and a bartender quickly came over to serve us. Memories flooded back of me chatting her up while I downed drink after drink. I blushed hard, knowing that I was a very crazy drunk and had probably caused her many problems. 

Her face lit up in recognition as soon as she saw me. "Oh, its you again! Ella, was it?" She asked.

I nodded, giving her an embarrassed smile. "Yeah. Sorry about last night. I'm not the best drunk."

She gave a small laugh. "Its quite alright. I've seen much worse. Plus I needed a good laugh and you certainly gave it to me. So what can I get you guys?" She wiped her hands on a towel before placing it on the counter. 

Jackson and I exchanged a look. "Um, actually nothing. I just wanted to know if you remembered me talking to a guy last night?" 

She furrowed her brows as she thought back to the previous night. "I remember you talking to several guys. What did he look like?"

I blushed harder. "I actually don't know. I uh, married someone last night and I have no idea who it was."

"You didn't wake up with him this morning?"

I shook my head in response. "I don't think he ever came to my place. Is there any way that we can maybe get the names of the men that I talked to? Like from receipts or something?"

She looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, but I don't have access to that. And we got a lot of customers last night, so it would be difficult to pin point which ones you talked to."

"I understand. Thanks for your help."

Jackson and I left, me with the worry that I would never find the man that I was now married to. I had no idea where I went after this, or if I even did go anywhere after this. Where do I go from here?

We began to cross the street to the parking garage that we parked in, and almost as soon as we stepped into the street, a sleek chocolate brown Mercedes came driving down the street. The driver slammed against the brakes, and Jackson pulled me out of the street just before I would've gotten hit.

I breathed out a shaky breath, looking at the luxury car in shock. On top of everything, I had almost just died. What the hell was my life? A movie?

The driver got out and began to profusely apologize. He was an older man, and he seemed like a driver judging on the one person seated in the back of the car. Jackson and I reassured the man that we were fine and that there was no need to exchange insurance information or to call the police. It had been an honest mistake, but he was very apologetic about it. 

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