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My brothers and sister emphasized that they didn't want to stay at our place for long.

Like I had when I was their age, they had money saved up in a bank account that our parents couldn't access. It was just a matter of them finding a place to live. Noah and I had ensured them that we didn't mind them staying with us, but they had none of it. I understood where they were coming from though. I'm sure after living your whole life with controlling parents you'd want to get out of the house and live on your own as soon as possible.

As a mini celebration of my siblings' newfound freedom, I invited Jack, Val, and Eli over to have a small pool party with us. Currently, my brothers and sister were playing basketball in the pool and Eli and Noah were hovering near the grill, ice cold bottles of beer in their hands.

I was laid out on a pool chair, Jack and Val animatedly conversing next to me. They hadn't stopped talking since they arrived an hour ago, and I wasn't surprised at all. I knew they'd get along well. I was tuned out of their conversation, enjoying the feeling of the sun on my skin and all of the sounds of a nice warm day.

That was until I felt two gazes scorching holes in my face.

Scrunching my nose, I opened my eyes and looked over at the culprits who were staring back at me with identical smirks.

"Oh no. What is it?" I questioned.

Jack wiggled his eyebrows. "So, you and Noah, hm?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm surprised you guys didn't bring it up the second you walked in the house today."

Val scooted closer with a grin. "We had to get you alone to get all of the details. So? Are you guys together or what?"

"We're married, Val," I deadpanned.

She groaned. "You know what I mean, dummy."

I bit back a small smile of my own. Val and Jack erupted into excited squeals at my expression. "We haven't put a label on anything yet."

Jack rolled his eyes. "It's a yes or no answer, Ella. You're either together or you're not."

I took a sip of my lemonade, allowing my eyes to wander over to a very shirtless Noah who was flipping burgers on the grill. He looked gorgeous, as per usual.

"We decided to start over. From the beginning. We're just getting to know each other for now. But I'm sure you already knew that, right Jack?" I quirked a brow at him.

He grinned secretively. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"So it was just a coincidence that you abandoned me in LA the morning that Noah dragged me out to a fancy dinner? You're telling me you had nothing to do with that?"

He sheepishly grinned. "Fine, I'm guilty. But you should really be thanking Val, she's the one who talked some sense into Noah. Plus is was kinda my fault that you slept with that other guy."

"Let's hope Noah doesn't screw this up again," Val muttered. She turned to Jack. "And you." She jabbed a finger at him. "Don't pull anything like that again. Noah and Ella are made for each other and I'll be damned if someone else comes in and messes it up."

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are insane," I muttered. I slid out of my pool chair and adjusted my sunglasses, deciding to pay Noah a visit to see how the food was coming along.

Eli had just left to go grab something in the house when I approached Noah, who was taking a long swig of his beer. I stopped in front of him, our eyes meeting as he drank. He polished off the bottle, a lone drop of beer staying on his lips.

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