26 | the heartbreak

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I was sleep deprived and only functioning off of a small cold black coffee that I made in my hotel coffee maker. I had let the pot of coffee sit out because I had collapsed into another sobbing fit and couldn't get myself out of bed. 

I was operating on auto-pilot, too scared to be alone with my thoughts for another second. I had arrived in LA early this morning, checked in at a small hotel, made coffee, cried, and heaved myself out of bed to distract myself with work. 

I did the bare minimum to get ready, lazily brushed my teeth, pulled my hair back into a messy bun, and left. I didn't bother changing out of my day old clothes. I didn't have the energy to. 

I ordered an Uber, and twenty minutes later I was walking into the venue, numbly weaving my way around chairs and stage props. I wordlessly got to work arranging the chairs how I wanted them for the show, ignoring the puzzled eyes watching me. I hadn't bothered to say hello or anything. 

I hated how Noah made me feel. 

Life didn't feel real. All of the excitement for the fashion show was gone, replaced by a gaping hole that sucked the life out of me. Even when Val and Jack rushed into the room, I felt nothing. I just looked at them with cold, blank eyes. 

"What the hell happened to you? You disappeared off the face of the Earth! We've all been worried sick about you. Noah almost called the cops," Val berated. 

I clenched my jaw, suddenly finding my voice again. "Don't say his name." I shoved a chair into place. "I never want to hear his name again."

It dawned on them what had happened. "Did he do something?" Jack asked, clearly worried. 

Not wanting everyone in the room to hear my business, I walked backstage where no one was, Jack and Val following behind me. I turned to them with a clenched jaw. 

"He cheated. He fucking cheated on me. With that bitch from the honeymoon." I threw myself in a chair, dropping my head in my hands. 

They were clearly shocked. "What? When? How did you find out?" Val questioned, sitting beside me and hugging me to her chest as I cried. 

"Four days ago. When I was here working. Tiffany showed up at the house last night while Noah was gone and told me. She had a picture of them... doing it. With a time stamp and everything."

Jack shot up out of his chair beside me, looking ready to beat somebody's ass. Val pulled him back down, no doubt giving him a stern look to make him stay. 

"Does he know that you know?" Val rubbed my shoulder. My body sagged further into their arms when Jack wrapped his arms around me too. 

"No. I don't know. I threw Tiffany's phone across the room after she told me and she didn't take it with her. I don't know if it even still works but the picture is on there." 

Val pulled out her phone, but I grabbed her wrist. "Don't tell him. I can't see him right now. I can't."

She sighed and locked her phone, tucking it back into her pocket. "You're gonna be okay, honey. I promise. Let's get you a shower and something to eat, okay?" I managed to nod, allowing them to help me up and towards the back entrance of the venue. 



I paced back and forth through the living room, my heart racing out of fear. It had been well over 14 hours since I arrived home and El wasn't here. All that was left behind was a bright pink phone and a mess in my room. Her shoes still sat by the front door. 

I thought I had passed her on the street last night, but I didn't pay it any mind. I doubted that she would've been walking down the street in the dark by herself. Now, I wish I had stopped. I hadn't heard a word from her, not since she texted me and told me that the fitting went well and that she was making us something for dinner. I've texted and called so many times, but she blocked my number. 

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