05 | the big day

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My hands were sweaty.

I knew logically I had no serious reason to be nervous today, but for some reason I was. This was a fake marriage, it didn't really matter too much what happened today. But I wanted everything to go well.

"I think I need botox in my hands, they won't stop sweating," I muttered, wiping my hands on a tissue yet again.

Jack flashed a cheesy grin. "Aw, is Miss Ella nervous for her big day? It's okay, a lot of brides get nervous on their wedding day."

I slapped his arm, carefully standing from my seat, making sure to not step on the flowy white fabric of my dress. "I'm nervous because this is the day my life changes forever, dipshit. Noah and I are already married anyways. Today is just a formality for the press."

I stood in front of the floor to ceiling mirror that leaned against the wall in my bedroom, making sure every aspect of my dress was perfect. Jack came over and fixed my veil, setting it to where it gently cascaded down my arms and then flowing to meet the floor. I opted to wear my hair out for the wedding, with only a few locks pulled back to the back of my head. I wasn't the biggest fan of updos, so this hairstyle suited me perfectly.

True to Noah's word, stylists had come bursting through my bedroom door at 8:59 AM, dragging carts of makeup and hair supplies with them. I honestly enjoyed getting all dolled up, it wasn't something I did very often. It took them almost three hours to finish my hair and makeup, and as soon as they were finished they were rushing me into my dress and out to the field behind Noah's house for pictures of me and my bridesmaids.

Jack was going to be walking me down the aisle since I hadn't wanted to invite my parents. He had also gathered up some of my old girl friends from college to be bridesmaids, and he had told me that Noah had given them all a stern talking to and made them all sign NDA's so that we could be the one's to control what the public heard about the wedding. I had no idea who else would be groomsmen.

"You look gorgeous, El," Jack said softly. His eyes glinted mischievously. "Noah might fuck you on the altar when he sees you in this dress."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, pervert."

"Seriously though, why don't you get something out of this marriage and bang him? He's fucking hot."

I shook my head, adjusting the dainty silver necklace around my neck. "No sex. That's just gonna complicate things."

"How exactly?"

"Well because...you know, uh..."

"That's exactly what I thought. It can't complicate things more than they already are. So I suggest-"

There was a knock at the door, and the wedding planner called saying that it was time for me to head down for the ceremony. My stomach erupted into butterflies. I took a breath to calm down.

Jack was looking at me in amusement when I turned my attention back to him. He patted my shoulder with a sly smile. "I packed some condoms in your bag for the honeymoon."

I gasped, but before I could berate him, he was out the door.

Noah had mentioned briefly yesterday that we would be going on a honeymoon, but I hadn't expected for it to be so soon. I had work I needed to get done and clients with strict deadlines. I didn't have time to be vacationing. I assumed Noah was in the same situation with his company.

I took a deep breath, giving myself one last look in the mirror before I made my way out of the room. The wedding planner was standing in the hall waiting for me, listening to something in the earpiece in her ear.

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