13 | the opportunity

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I decided to stay in LA. 

Well, just for the week. The Oscars were this weekend, and I'd be attending with Val for the first time ever. It was an added plus that I could avoid seeing Noah for a while. 

I've been a mess all morning trying to figure out what the hell happened last night. No matter how hard I tried to think about anything other than Noah, my thoughts always returned to him. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the best sex I've had in my life. Even through my drunken haze I could tell it was. But why did it have to be with him? The one person I didn't want any romantic involvement with? Maybe the universe hated me or something. 

I checked out of Noah and I's hotel about an hour ago. Currently I was sitting in the back of an Uber to much more modest hotel that I booked for myself. I couldn't stand to be in that penthouse suite for longer than was absolutely necessary. 

Like clockwork, my thoughts went back to Noah. Fuck, even thinking about him made me feel all sorts of things. It had been so unexpected when he first kissed me last night. If I was perfectly sober, I no doubt would've pushed him away and honestly probably slapped him. But no, drunk me did the complete polar opposite. I acted like I hadn't had sex in years. Sure, it had been a few months, but the way I was practically clawing at him like a starving lion was a bit much. 

I also couldn't negate the fact that I had felt butterflies in my stomach when he first looked intently at me, moments before smashing his lips to mine. The determination in his eyes, and the sheer desire was enough to knock down all my walls and immediately kiss him back. The butterflies only worsened the longer we kissed. 

For fuck's sake, did I like Noah?

Like, like like him? 

I groaned, dropping my head into my hands. I knew the Uber driver was probably giving me weird looks, but I didn't care in the slightest. I had a much bigger issue to deal with. 

Where had everything gone wrong? How had I caught feelings for a man that I hardly even knew? I've known him for what, a month maybe? And most of the time he's pissed me off in one way or another. How could I possibly have feelings for this guy?

I was losing my damn mind. That had to be it. This is one of those quarter life crises that people talk about. I didn't recognize this person I was becoming. I needed damage control. I'd wipe these feelings away if it was the last thing I'd do. 

But most of all, I needed to call Jack. 

Thankfully, we pulled up to the hotel then, and it only took me a few minutes to check in and make my way up to my room. As soon as the door shut behind me, I was dialing Jack's number. 

"GIRL! I just saw your red carpet pictures from last night and you and Noah look good as hell. It looks like everyone else agrees. The tabloids are going nuts."

"Well hello to you too, Jack," I muttered, putting the call on speakerphone and opening Instagram. 

My explore page was flooded with pictures of Noah and I. I had really underestimated how big this gala was. I scrolled through some posts, reading captions that all basically said the same thing. 

We were the best dressed there, and we looked good together. 

It made my skin crawl how insane the butterflies in my stomach felt when I read those words. 

I dropped my phone and screamed into a throw pillow that sat on the couch next to me. 

"Um, what the hell was that?"

I leaned back on the couch with an exasperated sigh. "I'm weak, Jack. How about you come here and kill me right now. Put me out of my misery."

"Damn, is being married to him that bad?" He seemed genuinely perplexed. 

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