23 | the tour

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I glared at the elevator in front of me, tapping my foot impatiently on the tile floors. Sammy and Logan were bickering about who knows what next to me. I had tuned them out long ago. I was just about to call Nick for the fifth time when the elevator doors slid open and he walked into the lobby. 

He looked as happy as ever, not caring one bit that he had us three waiting down here for upwards of 10 minutes. 

"It's good to know that one thing hasn't changed. You're still chronically late wherever you go."

He beamed at me, seemingly enjoying my irritation. "We're black, El. You know it doesn't take five minutes to do this hair."

I rolled my eyes, although I knew the struggle. "Come on, the tour is in fifteen minutes and it's a ten minute drive without traffic."

I led the four of us out of the lobby of the hotel, all of us grimacing at the heat of the day. The driver that Noah had insisted on us taking was standing outside of a black SUV that was idling by the valet. I had wanted to spend some time away from the lavish luxury that was Noah's life and live like the average person again, but Noah had booked the five star hotel and chartered his private jet to fly us here before I could even get a word in. My siblings were drinking it all up though. 

My siblings and I took a brief weekend trip to go visit UCLA so they can all get a feel of the campus to see if they like it. It's be great if they all chose to go to the same college so I wouldn't have to fly all over the country to visit each of them separately. I also knew that they didn't want to be too terribly far from home, just far enough to start anew. 

We were in for quite the long day. I booked us three tour slots so each of my siblings had an ample amount of time to explore and learn more about their specific school. First up would be Sammy's tour of the main science building, then onto the common places like the dining hall and library, then would be Logan's school of art, and Nick's tour of the sports facilities. He had no idea, but I had managed to arrange for him to meet the head coach today. 

We reached the campus in just under fifteen minutes due to traffic, so we speed walked to the meeting spot so we could check-in in time for our tour. As we waited for our tour guide to finish up with the last tour group, we sat in the waiting room. Logan was anxiously bouncing his leg, Nick looked half like he couldn't care less and half like he was in over his head, and Sammy was looking over the map of the campus in awe. 

"This campus is massive," she commented. "I had no idea it was so big."

"That's what she said," Nick muttered, grinning proudly at his remark when Sammy smacked his arm. 

A brunette haired girl walked into the room, her cheeks slightly pink and her eyes trained on me. "Mrs. Mitchell, it's an honor to meet you. You're so pretty," she gushed, her face turning even more pink as she spoke. "I'm Tracy."

Awkwardly, I shook the hand that she held out. I was bewildered by her excitement. She was acting like I was the queen of England. 

"It's nice to meet you too. These are my siblings, Sammy, Logan, and Nick. They're interested in attending here." Tracy shook their hands with a smile. 

"That's wonderful! Let's not waste any time and go ahead and get started on the tour. The golf cart is just out front." She turned on her heel and we followed after her outside. 

We all piled into the golf cart, all of us secretly grateful that we wouldn't have to walk the entirety of this massive campus. I tuned out of what Tracy was rambling about as we slowly drove through campus to the science building. My attention was focused on all of the students walking on campus. Well, I should say walking on campus and staring at me. It got worse as we drove, but I forced myself to ignore it and tune back in to what Tracy was saying. 

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