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Soleil POV

"Is there anything you can remember from back then that could explain some things about the Hunters and Venus's fang issue?" I ask my siblings and Casey.

"Hunters were usually hired by someone, so we need to find out who employed them and how they know about us." Aunt B says.

"Okay then and Venus's parents?" I ask Case.

"Honestly I don't know, I just remembered gran coming with her one day."

"No names nothing?" I ask and he thinks for a moment.

"Lisa." He says.

"Okay that's a good start, now we can narrow the wolves or vampires down." I say hopeful.

"I love this but why are you so adamant on helping her with this?" Oak asks.

"I want to help her out, I owe her that much. Aaannnd she's also like the strongest one between us all, so if whoever doesn't want her to know she's half vampire makes her turn on us then we're royally screwed. You may have been fine til this point but we can't live with that question in the air and being unprepared as well." I say and they all nod.

"Alright, I'll talk to the elders." Aunt B says and we all look at her.


"Yeah they don't show themselves to everyone, only those most wolf have encountered them and well that's me." She says.

"She spends more time in her wolf form then her human one. She's the wolfest wolf there is." Jojo explains and I nod.

"I'll be back." She says and leaps out.

"This is the longest she's been in human form." Cole says and I turned to her shocked.

"3 days!?"

"Yeah but Kaia is much better."

"Then Kion is in his own league."

"Who's Kaia and Kion?" I ask.

They turn to me with a embarrassed look before smiling weirdly.


"They're your-well our cousins." Cole says.

I stare at them with a look before rolling my eyes.

"Let's go see them." I say.

"I don't know where they are." Jo says.

"They could be at home? They should be back by now." Cole says.

"Back from where?" I ask.

"Hunting." And everyone glances at them.

"Just deer meat, they don't go for humans...anymore." Jo says with a stiff smile.

"Anymore?" We all ask.

"Okay wait, it was a thing of they were young and they didn't know better. They'd bite them only. It was pretty funny actually but the scars weren't bad and permanent ya know?" She explains getting flustered.

"Oookay then let's go." I say changing the topic.



We shifted after leaving the house and made it to a beautiful mansion near the woods in a different clearing.

"Nice house." I say.

"Thank you. It was mama's." Cole says and I gaze at it carefully.

As we enter I noticed pictures of the five of us hanging on the wall when we were still young.

What was hidden deep.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα