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Cole POV

I couldn't stop pacing.

"Cole please." Jo says trying to sit me down.

"She should've been here by now! What if that Quinn chick did something?" I say.

"Then we have to go." Casey says and we go back to Uni in the late hour.

The school was pitch back when we arrived.

I turned to my pack.

"Spread out and search for anything." I tell them and they disperse while we entire through the front doors.

"Her locker should be here." Nine says as we approach an open locker.

Her contents were inside but nothing else.

"I can smell Quinn here." Mona says.

"Isn't that Sol's phone?" Jo asks picking up a phone from the ground a few feet away.

She brought it closer and we all inspected it.

"Yeah it is which means it's too late." Anais says and I run a hand over my face.

"Fuck!" I yell smashing my hand into the neighboring locker.


Footsteps were heard and we all glanced at each other.

"Bolt." Clover said and we all sprinted in the opposite direction.

Once the coast was clear we shifted and met back at the house.

"We need to get her back before that girl does something to her we can't reverse." I tell them.

"They'll be expecting that, she's already made it known to everyone that we exist and now she has one of us. Her dad probably has the whole house surrounded with Hunters and we'd be walking into a trap. And we still need to figure out where that dead body came from and why they were in the woods in the first place." We turned and saw Venus, shades off eating in the kitchen.

"How long can we wait? If she's crazy enough to go into the woods knowing she'd find exactly what she was looking for, then she's crazy enough to try experiment on my sister!" I yell back in frustration.

"What good could we be if we get caught as well? We are the arsenal and we need to be smart about this, leave the emotions outside."

"And if we really need to, I can scope out the place." She finishes.

"How can you do that?" Damon asks squeezing her thigh.

"I have very good eyesight." She said a smirk on her lips as her eyes flashed red.

"You know about it!?" Everyone asks.

"Of course I do, when I started craving blood that's when I knew something was wrong. And that blast almost killed me so I was on the verge of death and my life started flashing before my eyes. I saw the witch and my parents too. I know how to solve my mystery and I can use it to save Soleil. And in the meantime we have to go back to Uni, so we don't cause suspicion."

The others nodded warily before she got up and went back to her room.

"She's right and I hate it." Jo says sitting on the nearest chair.

"Same here but as long as she can find a way to check in on Sol and make sure she's safe I can live with it." I say.

"But then we really need to do something about that family." Kion said and we all murmured in agreement.

"So what do the rest of us wait it out while you guys go and scope out how the town is feeling?" Jo asks and I look at the rest.

"You could blend in too." Nine says and my sister and I share a glance.

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