Facing Him...

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The sun's red gaze haunted the land and the clouds turned pink, they weren't as fluffy as they used to be, their appearance was more of a pulled cotton ball across the sky. In the night, the sky had wept and moaned, howling and crying leaving the ground wet and moist. Covered with the heaven's tears, It was time for the people to wake.

Rising with the timing of the sun, I sat up. slowly opening my eyes, my golden Iris' glistened in the sun's burning gaze. This was the moment in time, i had to see him. Alone... whilst everyone was asleep still, I let them rest. I stood and obtained my cloak and mace, I took my shield and looked in the mirror of our room, my white and golden hair glistened as my eyes twinkled. This was the day I made my move.

Who will save us now... was the question I kept thinking, but I kept answering with me. I will save us... I will come out on top. I. Will. Survive.

I looked back on my group resting and sleeping, I turned my gaze to Aazarovth. "Good morning guys." I turned back and walked out of the tavern we walked back to. The storm in the distance raged on, it's wrath growling and hissing, roaring and booming its voice, "Verece. I'm coming." I begin walking on the cobbled grounds my head held high, this was a solo mission, I mission for me to prove I'm not pathetic. The sun tried to hide itself among the hills yet still peaked above them to see me take my route to the castle. The ground of the path beneath my feet was coarse and the grass was lush. Keeping my head to the castle, I didn't change my course, nor did I change my speed of a strong and confident walk, memories of Verece and I stormed through my head, reminding me of how much he was a dear and how much I wouldn't swap him for this world... and there was my question to ask him.

Who was more important? Me, or taking over the world... I took slow deep breaths, edging my way closer to his territory, wind picked up and start to blow my skirt and cloak around, I pushed my way through, not looking back, the wind wasn't too harsh on me, like Verece in the beginning, he wasn't too threatening but he was just a little intimidating, I shake my head and close my eyes slowly getting closer, the air got colder and chillier, a frost raced itself down my spine as I got closer, a stern and serious look was still on my face as I kept trudging my way through, the wind got harsher and it got colder...

I opened my eyes... It was an uneasy grey and turquoise all around me, I didn't look back or else I'd confuse myself, I walked through the thick and dense fog, each breath I took was thin and shallow yet I wasn't light headed, this far to hide himself from danger of others, I begin to think he's the coward. I walk until my foot touches a loose stone. Wafting the fog away I read the broken letters on it.

Korvar Asevolt.

"My mother's father?" I question as I stand and look in front of me, "You bastard." I mutter. "You don't touch an Asevolt." I walk further in the roaring of lighting getting louder by the second, I ignored It's yells and pushed forward to be greeted by a graveyard and a pathway to the castle.

I look up at the building and notice it's broken parts were floating in the sky, held up by thin air, this was no fairy tale castle I saw in my entranced vision, It was darker, and definitely unfriendlier than the castle then. What have you done, Monster?

Skeletons rose and Zombies climbed from their graves, the sun was nowhere to be seen and looking up was like looking at the night sky, the stars twinkled and glistened. I look down and see the monsters climb and reach for me, my grandfather was first, he came behind me rotten and decaying, he held me to the ground and tried to bite me, I pushed him away and stood up holding him at a distance with my shield before slamming my mace into his head, "Rest in peace grandfather." I mutter before using a radiant spell to kill the other undead. I turn to face the horrible beast of a castle and take a step closer while also taking a deep breath. "A necromancer is going to pay what he owes today." I walk up the broken stone steps and forcefully push the door open after several attempts.

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