Chapter Sixteen

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That evening, mom pauses the movie we are viewing without warning.

"Come, Joy. Let's go and get the iron back from Mama Faith," My mom tells me.

Raising from my seat, I put on my slippers without responding. I follow down the stairs like an animal with a chain on its neck.

It is hard to understand that this woman does not believe her daughter can succeed.

After mom knocks at their door, Faith's mom opens it

"Good evening, Mama Joy. Long time."

"Yes-oo." My mom squats lightly before coming back up. She did that because Faith's mother was much older than she was. When we enter, I look around for Faith until I spot a pink cake on the dining table.

Approaching the dining, I pass the pictures held by nails hammered to the walls. The first is Faith as a baby with her mom and dad. The next is of her much older, around the same time she freshly entered junior secondary.

Then, I was excited to be in the same class as my new neighbour. Faith's dad held her mother's plumb belly with a proud grin. The last picture on the wall was of herself, her mom, and her siblings.

Faith's father was not able to see the birth of his twins.

"Wow, this cake is beautiful. I did not know your birthday was this month." I know it is not either of their birthdays, so I am generally curious about the cake.

"Oh, no. The cake is for Faith, not me. You can check it out. I am sure she would not mind." Faith's mom assures me. I look at the cake but turn away at the sight of her smiling face plastered on top of it.

Mom's eyes are on me, questioning me.

"Ah, good evening Mama Joy." Faith appears in the passage with our iron in her hands. "I was about to come to give you the iron we borrowed from you, hi Joy,"

I nod in response and walk past her. "Nice cake."

"That was a gift from our neighbour Mrs. Tolu."

I feel my lips part way before I try to hide my shock with a yawn.

"Is it the women working with that study abroad program?" My mom asks.

"Yes-oo. How do I say this?" Faith's mom adjusts in her chair. "Do you know she helped my daughter secure a full scholarship to study in the United States?"

My eyes widen like perfect circles. I stare at Faith, then her mother, before realizing I am still standing.

"Mommy," She drags her feet on the tiled floor while approaching her. "But I told you not to tell anyone yet." She whines.

"Why? You already went for that thing."

"It is called a visa interview, mom." Faith smiles warmly at her.

I fall unto the couch like a large rock. The lights reflect my mom's glistening eyes, which roam from them to me.

What is happening? I have not yet paid my acceptance fee, but Faith has gotten this far. Without me knowing?

But Faith and I are on the same intelligence level, so how did she get such a scholarship?

"How did it happen?" My mom asks.

"You did not even wish her to congratulate my daughter. She will be going abroad like yours."

"Oh, sorry." My mom rubs her head.

"Congratulations Faith. I know you deserve it." My mom puts on a weak smile.

"Thank you, ma. I did a project online last year, and early last month, they picked me." Faith takes her attention to me.

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