Chapter Seventeen

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Trying to get up from the bed, it is like an invisible object is holding me down from the stomach.

I could not feel my legs and did not want to. That is until the JAMB mock form that I am yet to submit runs through my mind. It is the 22nd of February, and aside from final year classes, the rest of high school has gone for a weeklong break.

A break is something that everyone should enjoy because the teachers and students are just as tired as the rest of the school. But since Brian is also not going for a break, I guess it is just the school system.

Minutes later, I wear denim jeans with a plain black polo shirt since we do not have to arrive with a school uniform.

While mom and I get out of the house and walk towards the car, I look at the pilled white gates, but Faith does not step out of it.

As we leave the compound in silence, I notice we are both in our heads. My thoughts are simple: how will I cope with being alone, eating alone and being without my friend, Faisal?

Suddenly, I am filling the same shoes that Dorcas has endured wearing this whole time. The only difference is that she is scoring high in her academics.

Swallowing the piled spit in my throat, I turn to my mom.

She stares at the road in a way that shows there is more she is thinking.

Mom succeeded in making a 50/50 share from my paycheck. I do not bother to fight for compensation.

Rent is not the only debt on the ground, but she needs to pay for foodstuff, and I am not planning to suffer hunger again.

Without warning, mom's Sienna bus sways on the highway's turnabout, and I hear the cemented rocks shatter as it scraps the car.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaim.

The car slows down, but she does not react until a taxi driver almost collides with us.

"Shut up, joh! Did I hit your car at the end?" She speeds away when the man seems to want a confrontation.


Arriving at school, I hear the latest Nigerian beats from the hallway to the class. We have our JAMB mock examination in three weeks, but it seems not to be everyone's problem.

My classmates are in groups; one or two are glued to their laptop screens, trying to see online past question answers, while many are binge-watching new series, and others are using their sneaked-in phones.

I automatically search the room for Faisal. But he is not here.

Instead, Dorcas is running through the pages of her book with her usual wireless purple headphones on as she reads her book. She is reading a schoolbook.

"Faisal, why can't you send me her pictures? The babe is fine," Solomon enters the room, holding Faisal around the shoulder proudly.

"I would, but she is not my girl."

"Yet, she sent you her stuff?"

"No, it was her boyfriend that did."

I stand in Faisal's front, and they both stare at me.

"Bro, you want to talk to her?" Solomon sighs.

"Joy, do not waste my time and be fast."

Faisal shakes his friend and takes the lead. Following him, I watch his lazy movements before he stops at our classroom door.

"What do you want?" He brings out his phone.

"What are you doing with them?" I ask him.

"But I already told you why I am doing this. But things could change, if you ask Ade to forgive you," 

I think about what he is asking me to do. Things could return to normal if I do what he says. But I will never forgive myself, especially if that person I am putting myself down for is Ade.

"Faisal, we both know I didn't do anything wrong to be begging for Ade's forgiveness. It is him that is at fault because he touched me in an appropriate manner,"

"Joy, forget all that talk. I am advising you as a friend, please do not forget who they will listen to," He whispers. "It's the person that pays more,"

"Wait." Faisal is about to enter the class when I pull him backwards by his shirt.

Turning around, he slowly pulls each of my fingers from clenching his shirt.

"Thank you." Faisal tells me after I have my hands to myself. I enter after him.

I return to my corner near the sink when mathematics class starts. I lay my JAMB mock examination form on my desk to remember to submit it.

What kind of life is this? Why wasn't I born into a family like Brian's or Dorcas'? Even if she does not get to mingle with us, at least she is passing them academically.

I think about this while suffering to see what the teacher is writing on the board.

"Joy, will you stop kissing that wall and pair with Dorcas?" Mr. Emma calls my attention.

With a sigh, I pack my stationaries into my math set.

"Be quick, I have a lesson to teach!"

"Be quick, I have a lesson to teach!"

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