Chapter Twenty-Three

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Mrs. Ifeoma offers to take me home after the end of the lesson.

The ride feels smooth, even when she drives through the bumpiest roads. Snuggling deep into the soft car seats, I watch the trees pass us while trying to avoid the thought of Akunna.

We do not encounter much traffic, so she gets to the house minutes later.

I smile and unbuckle my seatbelt as the car waits near the white peeling gate.

"Thank you, Brian's mom."

"Don't go yet. Let me drive inside." Mrs. Ifeoma honks her car horn.

"Do not worry, Ma'am. I can go by myself."

"Okay then." Mrs. Ifeoma unlocks the doors when the gateman rushes to her side window from a canteen.

"Good evening, ma." He grins at us.

"Good evening. Please, open the gate for us."

Not long after, the gates open for her to drive her jeep inside.

Faith is speaking into her phone when her lips stop moving as she makes way for Mrs. Ifeoma's car.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that," I tell Mrs. Ifeoma when she parks the car.

"If I don't, what would I tell your mother if some street men took advantage of you?"

As our eyes meet, Faith returns to her phone call.

"I understand. Thank you." I come out of the car and wave as she leaves the compound. "Bye, ma!"

I look behind me to see Faith lingering at the house's entrance. Walking past her, the smell of stagnant water fills my nostrils as I go up the stairs. There must have been electricity since morning because the place only stinks like this when there is no electricity to pump water.

It would not be surprising if the apartments had at least one toilet filled with human waste but no water to flush it down.

Each tenant should contribute funds to purchase generator fuel that pumps water for the whole household during these situations, but many do not fulfill this expectation. As a result, the house starts to smell like a pit latrine.

The second floor has our apartment, and I knock at the door, but no one opens it. Not getting a response after waiting, I call my dad.

"Joy, stay in Faith's house. Your mom and I will not be around for the whole day."

"What? I hope everything is alright?" I try whispering as my voice echoes.

"Do not worry. Just stay with Faith."

When he ends the call, I sigh. There is no way I am going there.

I sit on the floor and watch some videos I downloaded in school. They distract me for countless minutes until it is like I am eating the repulsive air.

"Joy, are you there?" I hear her voice a few steps below my floor. When she finally appears, she stares at me with her mouth open.

I get up from the floor immediately. "Yes, I am. Faith, can I stay for now at your house?"

She shrugs with a grin. "Why not?"

In the living room of her apartment, I see a takeaway plate from a popular food restaurant around our house. Their jollof rice and chicken are the best.

I do not say anything but drop my bag unto the floor.

"You look hungry, Joy. Why don't you eat?" Faith picks up the bag and hands it to me.

Pulling my school blazer off, I smile. "Okay."

I open it to behold a fat and spicy drumstick placed diagonally on the plate.

After washing my hands, I take a spoon to devour the rice first in the dining. It's cold, but my stomach is empty.

The place is silent, so her siblings are probably not home yet. Maybe her mom has gone out to pick them up from school.

Faith rests her body on the dining table as she watches me.

"What?" I cover my filled mouth.

"You know. It was good you finally decided to come downstairs. Your dad bought this food for you a long time ago."

Slowly, my jaw clenches as I watch her.

"Look, Joy. There is no reason for us to be fighting like my siblings. You are going abroad, and so am I. No one is better than the other. So, why can't we put the past behind us and move on? I am tired of fighting."

Her eyes hold some form of sincerity, and I roll mine.


"Peace?" She stretches out her hand towards mine.

"Peace." I drop the spoon and shake hers.

" I drop the spoon and shake hers

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