The Past

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Hey I'm Juliet. Cliche. I know. But here's somethings you need to know. I'm female. I have a nonbinary bestie. Name's Blaire. We became besties in middle school. I have ex childhood friends. Stacy, Jaxon, and Sam. Stacy and Sam are females and Jaxon is a dude. I say ex because let's just say we had different view points. I'm an Alpha she wolf. Jaxon is also an alpha wolf. Stacy is a tiger. I don't know what their leader is called. Sam was a rouge till Jaxon's pack accepted her. Due to her being a rouge and alone she was hella strong. So we call her an alpha even though besides the strength, speed and agility she doesn't really fit that title. Blaire's a thorough bred lone wolf! The difference between a rouge and a lone wolf is a rouge is most of the time exiled. They became packless not by choice but because they were forced into that situation. The best way to describe a lone wolf would be a wolf that's highly introverted. They can function like a normal wolf that has a pack. They just don't have added smell. Rouges smell bad basically. It's a smell to say rouge not lone wolf be weary. Pack wolves have like a scent of multiple different ones combining and attaching to the wolf but is more faint compared to their natural scent. Now I said me and Jaxon were both Alpha wolves. Well we don't belong to the same pack. But our packs are close so we were still able to grow up together. In fact that's how all of us were able to do so. I also have a big family. In fact I think I'm the 12th pup of my parents. I know. Yikes. But yeah so I'm thinking when I turn 16 I'll become a lone wolf. Blaire is a month older than me so they're already 16. My birthday is in 2 days actually. Now enough w/ that. You're probably wanting to know about the different view points. Well... Here.


"Juliet!" I turn to see who just called for me. I see that it's Jaxon.

"Hey bro!" I greet him and we do a handshake.

"The others and I were planning to have a sleep over tonight since it's Friday. We thought you would want to attend." He says.

"Duh! I wanna attend! What? Have I've neglecting you guys and that's why you thought I wouldn't attend?" I ask him teasingly.

"Haha! Ok enough! But be at my place at 5." He says and walks away.

"Alrighty!" I agree and wave him goodbye. So it's 2 minutes till 5 and we're pulling up. We as in my mom and me. My dad was doing paper work so he couldn't drop me off.

"Sweetheart." My mom says.

"Yes?" I respond.

"Don't do anything stupid!" She practically screamed at me.

"Mooom! Listen it's just a sleep over not a planning commission." I whine. Last time we hung out it was a planning commission. There was this teacher that always had a stick up his ass and who ever had power's dick in his mouth. He was a douche to the students and he made my younger sister cry about not doing her homework. In front of her class! So we got together and planned his demise. I won't go into detail but he at the end of it was tarred and feathered but ass naked and paraded around the front of the school.

"Still." She says.

"Bye love you." I chuckle and give her a kiss on the cheek as I step through the door. So they knew I would be here on time but also knew after our last time together I would for sure be held back to talk. I locked the door and went to Jaxon's room. Since we have mates and stuff like that we typically waited till we met our mates to do anything sexual. So yeah we were still allowed into each other's rooms w/ the door shut.

"Everybody look! The fun has arrived!" Stacy announces as I step through the door.

"Please, please! No pictures. I'm not photo ready yet!" I say covering my face as dramatically as I could. We all bust out laughing.

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