Trapping Time

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Its been a month and a half since we begun the meeting trap. We just finished our last meeting about half a week ago. I decided to try a little set up. To see how impatient they were. I had a car leave w/ a dummy of myself in the back seat. The pack started it's protocol and I just sat by the window and watched. 30 minutes into the departure the alarms went off. I got up and was immediately linked by my trust worthy Beta.

'Alpha~! We got game waltzing around~!' They sing.

'Ok Blaire. On my way.' I respond not resulting to their antics. I shifted and ran off. I arrived fast and I concealed my scent. I sat and watched as multiple tigers and wolves were sizing up my pack. Then they appeared.

"ALL OF YOU BOW DOWN NOW! UNLESS YOU WISH TO DIE TONIGHT!" Stacy used her commanding tone that came w/ the territory of being the head of the group of tigers. Some of the tigers in my pack flinched a bit. Likely due to the power a leader's voice which we call Alpha tone is stronger w/ their own species.

"ARE YOU ALL DEAF?! STAND DOWN!" Jaxon said this time. I didn't like them yelling at my pack and having the audacity to use their Alpha tones on them too. Then them threatening them on top of that was beyond infuriating.

"Enough! If they refuse to back down let's just end them now!" Sam says. She goes to attack Ethan when I had had enough and jumped out of hiding growling and snarling.

"Juliet! Sweetheart we thought you had left!" Stacy says excitedly but then looks at me confused. I shift back and growl out at her.

"It's Alpha! No matter what you call me! And how would you know if I had left or not? Unless you've been watching my pack?"

"Hugs." Sam says reaching out to me.

"No. Death." I correct her and then raise my hand in the air. I made a fist and one of my snipers shot a tiger.

"Juliet! You can't kill an innocent person!" Jaxon scolds.

"They weren't innocent though. And besides you're one to talk. After all you agreed w/ the prom night killer." I shrug.

"Kill one of them." Stacy orders and a tiger tried to attack a pack member but was instantly shot. Now all the members took a step back.

"Now now. We warned you. You chose a time where I was gone to attack my pack and for what?" I say as I walk closer to them. "Let me guess. So that you could use the excuse of she came onto our land and tried to attack us knowing full well I would set out to get revenge for my pack members." I say stopping in the center and staring them dead in the face.

"Haha! Good job. You fooled us. You trapped us. But we had a back up plan." Sam says. I look at her confused. Then it clicked. Unlike if my mate were to be some stranger that I could hide who I was from they grew up w/ me. "Oh so you finally understand. That's right. Give up or your birth pack is done." She threatens.

"I have some conditions though." I say after taking a look back at my pack. I felt all eyes on me. Even the snipers'.

"What makes you think you're in the spot to be making conditions?" Stacy asks.

"Exactly. We have the power. So what could you possibly have that we want so bad that it would shift even in the slightest?" Jaxon backs. I chuckle.

"Well you said surrender. But that only means I stop fighting and go w/ you." I say slowly as my face darkens.

"Don't tell me." Sam says catching on.

"Exactly. If I go w/ you and don't fight you can't use them to threaten me because the only thing you said was surrender. So if I decide not to let you touch me or of I decide to sleep as far away from you guys as I can. I can do so since I'm still obeying the terms you set." I inform.

"So. What are your conditions?" She asks.

"Well first of all the conditions I had when we were younger still stand as a given because I'm not dealing w/ you guys like that again." I state right off the back.

"Ok fair." Sam agrees.

"Secondly no more surveiling my pack birth and non birth. No harm is to be brought to, thought of, or even implied to either pack. Then because I know you guys no guilt tripping me. Also more conditions shall be added if they're proven a problem." I say.

"All but the last thing you said we can agree upon." Sam begins to negotiate.

"No cause listen the conditions from when were younger were adding once they proven to be a problem. This is the same thing. The only difference is these new ones are more to protect others rather then myself. Also now that I think about it. Heat and or my period I am to be left alone in regards to you three. Mainly because every time as kids when my period came you guys were annoying as fuck. But also overly clingy this is on top of how clingy you guys were already. Now w/ the 'mate bond' I'm not taking any chances." I state.

"Don't say mate bond like that for starters and taking into consideration that what you said is very true." She sighs. "I suppose we have no other choice but to agree." Sam admits.

"Hold on. How can we agree to so many restrictions in regards to our mate? We should be able to cuddle w/ her when ever we want for how ever long we want." Jaxon objects.

"Bitch when we were kids if I let that happen I wouldn't have been able to... be alive right now thinking about it! Because you guys never wanted to let me go! I would fall asleep and wake up we were in the exact same spots and position. Then if I tried to get up you guys tightened your grips! I seriously think you guys put snakes to shame!" I yell at him.

"Damn... She got us there." Stacy says agreeing. Jaxon just nods.

"But we also would like to add something." Sam says I look at her. " we need two of you pack members dead." She states.

"Fuck no!" I yell immediately.

"Sorry but seeing as you killed two of our men we need two of yours." She claims.

"Seeing as you guys surveilled my pack w/ no reason. Intentionally disobeyed my rules I put and informed you of multiple times about then were hostile to my pack and even ordered to kill one of my members I say me killing only two is you getting off easy so don't press you luck." I say in a calm manner.

"Damn. You really know how to use low blows." She exclaims. "Very well come on then." She says beckoning me to follow them to their pack.

"Guys! The paper work is on my desk make sure that's turned in and keep up w/ you're training." Order and start to walk away. I don't hear them move though.




They start howling loudly and sadly. Each new howl added makes its louder and sadder. Soon I hear the howls of the pack members in the residential area howling too. Of course the other animals and creatures I have in the pack do something to join in as well. As I hear my pack cry out I can't help but feel as if I failed and wrong them as I feel my heart break.

"Are you ok?" Jaxon asks in the car after noticing my distress. He tried to wrap his arms around me but I move away from him.

"New condition. No trying to comfort me after causing me pain."

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