Hell's Breaking Loose

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"Hello?" I answer.

"Yes Alpha Juliet. The weretigers called moments ago. And yes it's her group." The council member I was on the phone w/ informs.

"Thank you for agreeing to this and thank you for the information. Anyways did she ask to meet and when?" I say.

"Yes. Today or tomorrow at the latest." He tells.

"Tell her no. Tell her to stay away from my pack and pack members. Also inform her that if any of her tigers get near my pack grounds they will at the very least be wounded." I lay down.

"Certainly. But wouldn't it be good to have them as allies?" He asks.

"W/ them as allies who would need enemies." I say.

"You're the first person to say that about them. In fact didn't your birth pack have an alliance and friendship between the heads? As well as you being childhood friends w/ the next heirs?" He pries.

"You're well informed in some areas but not others." I answer.

"Please. I got you on speaker w/ the others listening in. We're doing this but we need to know why." He states.

"I know. That's why I'm still humoring you and didn't hang up the instant you started prying." I state.

"Well then please enlighten us." He says.

"Well we had a sleep over when we were young. They had always been clingy. I requested we watch a scary movie. They agreed but since there's one person who can't really handle horror movies they wanted to cuddle w/ me. The others got jealous and so they would all just do this big cuddle. I was always in the middle." I say.

"What does this have to do w/ anything?" A new member spoke up.

"You'll see. Well I finally made some ground rules because they wouldn't let me get up at all. They agreed and followed the rules. Well we paused the movie so we could all stretch our legs. The movie was prom night. And if you don't know it's about a psycho teacher falling in love w/ his student." I continued.

"Still not seeing the point." The member says again.

"Patience. Well during the break we were talking about the movie. Someone asked what would we do if your mate was like that. They all said they'd be flattered. I said I would reject them in a heartbeat. They kept trying to convince me that he did all out of love. I told them he killed her parents in front of her. They came back w/ he didn't know she was there." I add.

"What?" The first member asks in disbelief.

"I said it didn't matter because he still killed her parents. If I had a mate that would kill my friends and family I much rather not have a mate. They kept saying I was being ridiculous. Now earlier when the break started I went to the bathroom. They asked where I was going I told them and when I came out I saw all of them there watching the door intensely. They suggested finishing the movie. I got up and walked towards the door. They asked again where I was going. I said the guest room then closed the door. I raced in and locked the door just in time. Soon they were after me and banging on the door to try and get in. They tried to get me to come back. I refused and for the first time ever at a sleep over we slept separately. My parents would normally have to drag me back. I actually left early and convinced them to pick me up." I state.

"Ok that's concerning most definitely. But that was in the past." One says.

"There's more. So as we grew up I kept my distance. I told my parents what happened and they were fine w/ how I chose to handle the situation. Their parents on the other hand didn't agree w/ mine. They kept trying to get me to hang out w/ them. I would send back a note asking if they stilled agreed. It would come back yes and I would reject. At some point I saw it useless and just avoided them. My birthday was coming up. I had a friend only sleepover. I only had one real friend so that was who I invited. My parents invited their parents to come over and celebrate w/ us. Their parents said that if we wanted them to come then their kids had to come as well. I said it was fine and I knew I could just avoid them. That's what I did. We didn't have anyone inform them when or what were doing. I was also planning on becoming a loner already. Cake came out and they came running. Then they said mate. I asked them if they still agreed. They said yes and was coming closer to me. I then tried to reject them it was stopped. We fought. Their parents were like how could you hurt your mates. Then they turned to my parents and asked how they could be ok w/ me hurting my mates. My parents stayed quiet. I rejected them but there was no pain. Later I found out that I'm cursed so unless they reject me or die I can't get rid of them." I wrap up. It was quiet on their side I was starting to think the line got disconnected.

"So we'll be holding a ceremony to decorate you w/ that has the highest honor highest everything for that." A member says.

"Sweet. Now let's get going. We all have business and things to do." I say dismissing the call.

"Yes talk to you later young Alpha." The member says and we hang up.

"So when are you getting decorated?" Blaire teases.

"Don't know. When we getting married?" I ask.

"When I'm desperate enough." They retort.

"You mean when I give up on my standards." I come back.

"No when I get enough sympathy build up to consider you." The remark.

"So when I have to- you know what you win this time. Nice going Blairy airy." I say then walk away.

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