Prologue - Betrayal, Death & Rebirth Pt.3

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(I don't own the art shown here, nor do any videos, music and gifs shown in here as well. RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum. May his soul be in a better place, away from the inanity that befell his creation from his passing...)

Beacon Academy, Nighttime...

Ozpin POV

It's been an exhausting day dealing with fools.

Mainly: the students in Beacon Academy that were responsible for what happened to Jaune...

The Vale Council in trying to put a stop to what I had planned to give him justice, with Ironwood planning to giving me the laydown of what happened with the Council in Atlas after the day died down...

Informing the parents of Team RWBY of what happened, and dealing with them along with talking to Teams CFVY , CRDL - and the now leaderless _NPR...

Dealing with Glynda was going to be another hassle to deal with in the future once the student teams were taken cared of, as well as having to inform Jaune's sister Saphron Cotta-Arc regarding her brother's death - considering that word about their disowned son's death will soon spread like wildfire, the Arcs will no doubt try to save face and have one of their daughters enroll in Beacon...

And on top it all off, I still had to deal with the prevalent issues that involved her.

No doubt this increase of negative emotions will stir the Grimm into attacking more frequently and I had to ensure that preparations were made to anticipate and combat this.

With a sigh, I took a sip of my scotch-spiked "coffee" and laid back on my chair to try and relax - with the memories of what happened today flashing into my mind, as if it was playing like a recorder...

Flashback: 12 Hours at Midnight before Beacon's Rude Awakening...

3rd Person POV

Headmaster Ozpin is sitting in his desk, currently in a conference call with the key figures that stood by his side in his Shadow War with Salem; the woman who led the Creatures of Grimm as their Queen... and his ex-wife in the Headmaster's first life.

The figures that were on the multiple screens before the Beacon Headmaster were the following:

First up was a tan man with a build as if chiseled from stone, with short dark hair, a beautiful beard short-trim beard with prominent sideburns and a pair of beautiful amber-colored eyes. He wore an ankle-length grey cape loosely worn around his shoulders as if being worn like a scarf.

He had a blue vest with gold trims done in the design of a stormy sky, a black collared shirt underneath with a navy blue undershirt, along with bright white slacks with deep side pockets and a black bet with golden trimming.

He also wore gray-blue boots in the same design as his vest, and wielded a pair of ruby red gloves decorated in Dust Crystals with his hands to forearm wrapped in combat tape & gauze.

This man was Professor Theodore, the Headmaster of Shade Academy in Vacuo.

This man was Professor Theodore, the Headmaster of Shade Academy in Vacuo

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