Chapter 6 - Bitter Memories

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(I don't own the art shown here, nor do any videos, music and gifs shown in here as well. RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum. May his soul be in a better place, away from the inanity that befell his creation from his passing...)

Remnant's Providence HQ, within the Dragon Continent...


White Knight POV

It's been a few months since I've stepped foot in Remnant alongside my Agents in Providence.

Getting to know more on other worlds was quite a venture that never truly had time to be explored by me and the organization, not long since the arrival of that watch-wielding kid that Rex managed to make friends with...

But now?

The time was there, and thanks to Rex's efforts on Earth with curing the planet of most EVOs; I felt that it was high time to truly push the organization into a path where the future is the bar to set.

And thanks to the many discoveries in the Dragon Continent, Providence has gained a massive leg up against the forces in this world...

Case in point; the Creatures of Grimm.

The first time around, I ended up barely getting out with the skin of my teeth due to these beasts that, from personal experience, were much more of a relentless force than any out-of-control EVO that Providence has encountered, secured, contained and cured.

And it was thanks to Rex that I got out of that predicament alive.

And thanks to that moment of experience, I chose to make proactive measures to not let myself be caught in that predicament again...

...I can't always rely on Rex to be there to save us all.

He's only one man.

That - and it felt off-putting to always have him be the one to resolve most of the problems we had in Providence.

And because of my decision, my new and improved suit was nearly done - with the A.I. for the suit nearing 87.56% completion...

With progress going smoothly in the technological side of Providence, Aura-related practices were another boon altogether; with my own Mass Telepathy Semblance growing stronger in every waking moment that I took up relaxation and meditation practices just to improve my control and expand my knowledge over it.

I'll put a mental note to give a proper thank you to Holiday for her suggestions on the matter.

Speaking of which, Holiday got better at her own Semblance to the point that even when Six was not with her to help the other units and the kids practice their control over their Auras and Semblances, Holiday was more than enough to put results in the plate when it mattered.

Needless to say, morale has been an all-time high ever since getting here in the Dragon Continent.

I got myself washed, cleaned up, dressed in my suit and tie - then went out of my quarters to head inside my office to sit on my desk, noticing a notification signal pop up from my computer whilst I was getting myself ready for the night...

...which can only mean that Six was contacting me to give an update on the mission I gave him and Rex at Vale.

Opening up the communications channel between me and Six, I heard his voice speak out on the intercom;

Six: "Evening, White." He said stoically.

"Six. Status update." I told him with the same stoic tone he gave me.

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