Chapter 7 - Investigations

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(I don't own the art shown here, nor do any videos, music and gifs shown in here as well. RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum. May his soul be in a better place, away from the inanity that befell his creation from his passing...)

Kingdom of Vale Outskirts, Forest Interior...


Qrow POV

Things have not been going the way Oz has been expecting in his little Academy...

Not since the loss of that blonde kid named Jaune.

Kid had a good heart in spite of his foolish idea, though I myself can't say shit about that decision he made - considering Raven and I did the same thing for less-than-noble intentions unlike him...

...if anything, his parents should have been held accountable for his death; they filled his head with dreams at a young age, then did not even give him the time of day to prove himself.

Hell, I saw the footage Oz gave to me and Tai on our way to his office; and needless to say, Tai was taking notes on the kid's ways of taking down the Grimm without weapons.

And begrudgingly, so did I - when I was alone, anyway.

If anything, all Oz needed to do was just say the word - and I could have whipped the kid into shape like I did to the lil' Pipsqueak with her skills in wielding her "precious baby"...

..shame he was taken too soon by the Grimm that he fought down to the last breath.

When I heard from Jimmy that the kid had a knack for tactics, I had no doubts in my mind that this Jaune kid could have been a hell of a Huntsman growing up; just like his family.

I watched Tai let loose onto Firecracker for her hand in the abuse the blonde was subjected to, and while I held disappointment in both her and Ruby; I was much more reserved on the matter - as I was keeping myself level-headed through the only companion I had in my travels;

My hip flask.

I was headed back to Oz after I saw the kind of crap in the Grimmlands that would instill the feeling of imminent death to even the most seasoned of Huntsmen - with the kind of Grimm that spawned out there.

Not to mention that from what I digged up, she had new pawns in her fold - much more dangerous people than the last roster she had in her employ...

...something I decided to warn Oz about quickly with a few messages in my Scroll.

Though in the middle of my journey back, I saw the strangest thing that I have seen since the time Jimmy tried his hand on courting Glynda all those years ago;

A squad of men dressed up in military attire, in an assortment of vehicles heading towards the direction of Vale.

I knew that this was something more than a simple group on their way to do shit in Vale, considering how much they packed in their arsenals; rockets, blasters, the whole biz.

Even their vehicles were packed with weapons - and that's not even the shocking thing for me.

What shocked me more was the fact that they almost resembled Jimmy's tinmen, only for my eyes to have a clearer view on these men in uniforms; and I found out that they are all human. Living flesh and blood with no trace of robotics in them...

And from how they moved, it was as if they were well-trained and an experienced unit in their organization.

Finding a place to perch myself without their notice, I snapped some pictures in my Scroll before sending them to Ozpin - telling him that these people were heading to Vale, but I didn't know why...

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