Chapter 8 - Moonlight Throwdown!

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(I don't own the art shown here, nor do any videos, music and gifs shown in here as well. RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum. May his soul be in a better place, away from the inanity that befell his creation from his passing...)

Kingdom of Vale, Inside Junior's Bar...

With the Providence Crew...

3rd Person POV

Things were going rather smoothly for the following weeks for the Nanite Hero and his allies.

Thanks to an increase of muscle and security thanks to his newly-gained benefactors, Junior's business skyrocketed in terms of profits and clientele - all the while his influence was solidified when many of the more "influential" figures in the Kingdom's criminal underworld tried and failed to keep him in line...

...and it earned them the bodies of either their own people, or the bodies of the people they hired to do the job for them.

When news regarding what Rex and his crew did to the "messengers" of the 24K Gang came to the group's leader, they was furious on the matter and personally called Junior through a burner Scroll to let him know that he had less that 24 hours to either provide him the payment he denied the 24K Gang in supplying, with the added means of making the amount nearly 10x the original amount for what he did to his men... or they destroy his bar and walk off with his corpse.

Unfortunately for the fool, their call was intercepted by Providence's Ophis Division; and with preparations made thanks to Junior providing them intel on their whereabouts, Agent Six personally led a few of the Ophis Division members into the hideout of the 24K Gang at the stroke of midnight...

...and what remained of the 24K Gang remained unknown to the public, in spite of the noticeable decrease of activity on their part.

Mainly due to the fact that Six's covert ops team ran them off into hiding - by sending a message using the unconscious, mangled bodies of the 24K Gang members.

Said message ended up being leaked into the Criminal Underworld's Dark Web.

Needless to say; the criminals in the Kingdom were curious as to who drove such a powerful gang from Vale into hiding, knowing that Torchwick was not someone who would exhibit this kind of power through such harrowing methods.

Junior inquired on how Six managed to do all of this in the span of a single night, with the Agent telling him that he had a really good teacher... and that there was more to his name than many realize.

Him bringing in some backup for the op? That was him being nice, at the bare minimum.

That statement from the Sixth Most Dangerous Man on Earth was enough for Junior to understand that Six was more than some nicely-dressed chap mixed in with a group of well-trained soldiers;

In Junior's eyes, Six was not only dangerous - but he was, in his eyes at least, an assassin of the highest caliber.

A nervous Junior counted his lucky stars on the fact that someone like Agent Six was on his side.

Melanie and Miltia spent time during those weeks catching up with Rex (who has taken time to dye his hair back to black in order to keep his true identity secret), the Nanite Hero taking time out of his rounds in guarding Junior's establishment to introduce the twins to some of his friends in Providence through a tablet screen;

Said screen showed Walter (Skwydd), Tuck, Cricket, Circe, Noah & Federico - who were calling Rex to give him an update on what was happening back at Providence HQ in the Dragon Continent.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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