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N: hi everyone hows spain life
H: Good its just about time for dinner.
N: Right i keep forgetting you're in the future, thought you were just getting old like ya man
H: youre just jealous cuz we get to see the real sun instead of clouds all day
N: that is a fact.
Z: Why is this a groupchat?
N: I want Louis to be like part of us even tho he's a gramps. And would love if we could get to know eachother better!
H: and totally think he'll fit in!
Z: And im in here because?
N: Babe stop being negative we just need to know Louis.
L: Answer is still no, throwing a party for teens would look like an Epstein case.
H: Lou... just my school and maybe the school over...
N: A guest list of just 200 maybe.
Z: 200 ?
H: Niall is just being hopeful. maybe 150
Z: do you even know 200 people?
N: duh hes Harry fucking Styles. everyone loves sugar babito.
H: its a hoorah. My birthday just so happens to be the day before we fly back, you asked for a week off, we have a week off party and come home to sweet spain Boo :(
N: Yeah boo i promise itll be fun and safe and you can invite your friends too you have a big place.
Z: It's not that big...
L: compromise. I'll rent a nice night club, invite your friends. stamp the adults, no stamp for minors. loud music, enough room...
N: I'm seeing what Harry sees in you.
Z: Now thats sick.
N: so thats the plan??? can i start inviting people?
N: Harry?
N: Louis?
2 hours later
H: We gotta work the details out then its a plan
N: was that not what you were doing?
Z: Niall shut up

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