Chapter 5: Octavius The Fallen Angel From Hell

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It all started that day eighteen years ago...... when the princess was born I was the center of everyone attention but then that brat got in my way. I was only ten years old when my whole world came crashing down.

"Have you heard the Queen she gave birth to her daughter." One Angel whispers

"Ohh yes I'm so excited to see what a lovely young lady she will grow up to be and what kind of ruler she became" another worthless Angel says

To completely fair I don't blame the airhead for being born. It's not her fault she got in my way of the throne. The Queen never had kids of her own she struggles with her powers killing every child she was able to conceive they all died instantly. No one knows why. Her last husband got sick of it and left but little did he he know his daughter was gonna survive. My mother was left in a mental hospital due to my fathers abuse they got a divorce shortly after and she couldn't stand being here they where both regular old angels nothing special just worthless and useless angels with virtues and righteousness. It makes me sick. My father somehow was able to win the Queen's heart and married her a week later. Then a week after the wedding the Queen found out she was pregnant but it wasn't my fathers she wasn't sure the child would live so she came and ask me something. Back then I was still called by my boring birth name Mika

"Mika hun come in here for a second I need to talk to you" Celestia stays in that annoying loving voice of hers

"Y—yes Q—q—queen you asked t—t—to s—s—see me" I said shy and stuttering

"Ohh don't be nervous hun it's okay I'm your mother you can drop the Queen. I wanted to ask you something as you know I'm carrying a child but there's no guaranteed they will survive to full term I wanted to ask you a favor." Celestia says

"What kinda of favor?" I ask

" Would you consider being next in line for the throne and being king. I'll train you and everything,  this kingdom can be yours to rule I trust you Mika." Celestia says with a smile a smile with lies

Trust a word she used a lot. If she trusted me,  if she love me, if she just looked at me, and gave me attention none of this would have happened maybe just maybe that girl that ruined everything would have been my friend and not an tool for my goal. I probably could've called her my sister. Who am I kidding she the reason her and her lieing mother who called me her son once but now I'm nothing but a demon to her.

"So Mika what do you say?" Celestia asks

"I'm not very king material, what if everyone hates me and what if your kid do survives. Will you just abandon me just like my mother did?" I said pathetically with tears in my eyes

" ohh Mika come here I will always love you don't worry what other angels think of you. Your my son now and if this child by some miracle survives, guess you will have a little sibling to play with and protect as ruler. I'll never go back on my word." She said hugging me with lies worthless and empty words

You created this demon mother, so why do you look at me with those eyes of disgust and pity why didn't you love me enough why just why.

Nine months later she was born my "sister". Fuck that she's not my sister she ruined my life I hate her and hate the woman when made me this way. When it was first announced that I was gonna be the next in line for the throne the kingdom was in a uproar, they didn't like the idea of a no name commoner angel boy who's not " even biological the Queen's son" to take over the throne, but soon the kingdom liked me they loved me even started to called me Prince Mika, there was still others who disagree and didn't like it but what can they do nothing it's set in stone. Of course like always my dad had to fuck shit up he was pissed that Melia wasn't his biological daughter, so like the ass which I have no idea how he hasn't become fallen by that point he tried to kill her. Then he had to pin the idea on me if I had the choice I would have kill her where she was back then. But naive me thought everything will go my way everything.

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