Chapter 10: Mika

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That bitch she been gone for two days now. She couldn't have gone far. I went back to my hideout where Virgil and Kazuma was at they wanted to hear the good news.

"So how did go. Where you able to get the Queen to agree to let you marry her daughter?" Kazuma asked

"Of course I was able but there's one problem. That airhead ran off when she heard the news. I need everyone out there looking for her now we can't let her get far." I say to Kazuma and the others

We looked everywhere for a month then someone came back for some news. It was Virgil he looked pissed off about something.

"What's up with you Virgil?" I asked him

"It's Crimson that asshole. He found her but the Queen doesn't seem to know. There's no way we can go in there to forcibly take her. The Queen asked for his helper about a month ago we can't do shit." Virgil says

"We can use that to our advantage. He can't keep her forever  we can use this as a chance to take him down." I say

"How are we meant to do that?" Kazuma asked

"Dumbass! We used the damn airhead make her choose between her mother and Crimson." I say

"Ohh your so smart." Kazuma said

"Of Course he is why you think I chose to be his ally." Virgil said

"See Virgil gets it. Now you two are coming with me."  I say

"Where we going?" Kazuma asked

"Stop asking stupid questions and just come." I say annoyed

Kazuma, Virgil, and I walked for what seemed like forever to Kazuma he kept complaining about this and that and how long. Are we there yet I swear if he wasn't powerful and useful I would have had to kill him myself. We got to out to a run down store that looked abandoned.

"Um why we at this abandoned store?" Kazuma asked

"What did I say about asking stupid questions. Come on let's go in." I say walking into the the store

"Ahh Octavius it's always good to see you. Your order is right here." The owner says bring out a box

"Thanks and here's your payment." I say paying and grabbing the box and walking out

"Umm what's in the box?" Kazuma asked

"Ohh finally a question that isn't stupid. It's a special knife. It completely destroys an angel's soul." I say

"Okay I know you Octavius but there's no way you gonna give such a powerful knife to Melia." Virgil says

"This is our back up plan just in case she decides to be difficult." I say

"This plan of yours is definitely gonna work we'll not only get rid of Crimson but also rule the kingdom." Virgil says grinning

"Now let's get back to the hideout and get everything prepared." I say

Another month went by I got a call from the Queen she wanted to meet me at the castle. I brought Kazuma and Virgil with me and told to shadow us just in case I need them. I got to the door and Celestia greeted me with dumb smile of hers. So carefree I hate it and I hate her. She walk me to this room where I see the airhead and her little puppy. My face smile faded. She trying to dissolve our engagement. Well if Crimson where to be killed she will have reason to dissolve it.

"Haha looks like my cover have been blown. Fuck this gentleman act it never suited me anyways." I say laughing

"Sorry Octavius but but I refuse to marry someone I don't love love and—" the airhead said before I cut her off

"I wasn't finish talking you little bitch! This is all your fault if I wasn't lied to no if you wasn't even born I Mika would have be king. To hell with this hell! Virgil!  Kazuma! Get your asses out here we got some blood to spill." I say calling for back up watching everyone's face turn pale

"Well well it's the dipshit Crimson. You surprise to see me asshole!" Kazuma says ready to fight

"Haha well guess your are a cockroach Kazuma. But this time you be dead for sure." Crimson says

"You asked for it!" Kazuma yells as he throws hell fire around the exit door and charges at Crimson but a arrow hits Kazuma but misses just barely leaving a scratch on his face. Kazuma looks at who attacked him and it was a girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"You will regret that you little bitch!" Kazuma yells turns his direction towards the girl

"Keep your eyes on your opponent you idiot!" Virgil yell blocking the wind attack coming from Crimson

"Aww and I thought I was sneaky about that one." Crimson teased

"You bastard!" Kazuma yells

"Enough! You guys are so occupied with the fight when we already win." I say holding the Celestia with a knife to her throat

"Mom!" The airhead screams

"Shit!" Crimson screams

"Kazuma! Virgil! Get your asses back here!" I yell at them

Kazuma and Virgil walk over to me then had Kazuma switch places with me and I walk towards the airhead.

"I'll give you two options. Kill Crimson right here and now or let him live and watch you mother die your choice you stupid hellcat." I say handing a knife to the the airhead

"Awww looks like the lil princess don't know what to do." Virgil says provoking her

"Hey! Here's a fun thought how about you just stand there and we kill both of them as you sit there watching helplessly." Kazuma says sadistically

"Sorry but it's my job to protect you and your mother. I owe my life to her if killing me will save her then so be it." Crimson says walking up to the Airhead

"I can't... Crimson...I just can't." The airhead says crying

"Hahah this is fun to watch keep going I love this entertainment." I say bursting out laughing

"Mika why.... Why are you doing this." She says still crying

"Why not it's fun watching the one who ruined my life suffer now you better act quickly or both of them will die." I say ginning

"Princess just do it. Kill me, you and your mother are way more important then me. You both have to live." Crimson says

"Crimson but I... can't kill you I love you too much." She says with tears in her eyes it was so fun to watch

"You have to Melia, it's the only way there's no other option." Crimson says before hugging her and whisper something in her ears

"I-I....." the airhead raised the knife and moved it slowly towards Crimson's back

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